Hollywood L.A skyline with Funnystash with the concrete jungle of the U.S.A is right here in these Scenery 360 Area Places
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Gps Coordinates / 34.2024766,-118.0665726
L.A skyline and Hollywood sign Scenery 360 Area Places
Pasadena Unified School District, CA, USA
Updates of 360s users view of The L-A skyline, there's alot that happens on this skyline to the point this is noted as some of the most dangerous places in america to buy property due to the amount of loopy people it attracts due to its nature on popular culture almost a mecca for lost souls to pilgrimage their sorrow or! at least how i like to interpret it. I always keep my expectations low when it regards the L-A skyline location here but the view is undeiable in its stunning beauty.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -118.321627 / Gps Link -118.0572052 / Gps Link -118.3224481
Gps Coordinates / 34.1335745,-118.321627 / 34.2255821,-118.0572052 / 34.1325361,-118.3224481
We’re currently trying to find a skyline of L.A at night time as we’re being told it’s quite beautiful and alien looking with the ominous glow of a billion lights and human pollution blends into a unique skyline, so please if you come across a night time Panorama 360 of the L.A skyline we’d love to see it
Outside view of the same telescope during the Astronomy craze of the 19th Century, darn shame there isn't that same passion of telescopes today within our communities
Link Location Gps -118.0567271
Gps Coordinates / 34.2256419,-118.0567271
Observatory high up on the L.A skyline, and there was me thinking that light pollution and smog was a deterrence to astronomers, nope just kidding the completion of this telescope was 1908 and was one of the largest telescopes (60 inches) and remained on the list as one of the largest right up to 1949 so we’re guessing Los Angeles wasn’t quite the population it is now but it still gives amazing views to the universe today, and if your hazy with your astronomy this would be a great place to start
Link Location Gps -118.0679776
Gps coordinates / 34.2016945,-118.0679776
A view of The Hollywood sign from behind the sign, you can see the Hollywood letters below the screen
Link Location Gps -118.3265068
Gps coordinates / 34.127285,-118.3265068
Its supposed to be dangerous to live near this sign and it attracts every nutter in the country to visit the area, there have been some horrendous burglar stories from people who live around here the stories aren't your typical burglar story neither, they have home protection systems like you'd find in the movie The Purge