Find Favelas with Funnystash Brazil Favela called Vidigal in these Panorama360s
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Gps Coordinates / -22.9913099,-43.242743
Mountain Cliff View of Villa from a natural birds eye view, zoom in for a more concentrated view of the Favela below
Vidigal Favela Slums Brazil Tourism VR Map Links
Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Entrance into the Vidigal Favela Slums in Brazil can sometimes have armed patrols outside when tensions are high within the community and the police, sometimes they may just be on the lookout for fugitives or informants, depending on the weaponry they're holding is a good measurement of how high tensions usually are. In November 2011, Vidigal and its neighboring community, Rocinha, were pacified by the Pacifying Police Unit. This so-called pacification has shown to be more cosmetic than real and criminals from the ADA gang (Amigos dos Amigos or Friends of Friends) that have kept the real power unabated by police, continued to sell drugs and extort the inhabitants through the sale of overpriced gas cylinders for example.
In September 2017, a so-called coup d'état took place in Rocinha which saw its criminal control shift from ADA to CV ( Comando Vermelho or Red Command). As of December 2017, and through December 2020, Vidigal is a completely transformed favela, for the worse, where it is not uncommon to hear daily heavy arms fire and even see criminals carrying machine-guns on the main street Av. Presidente João Goulart at all times of day. In 2020, at times there were gun battles between the military police and drug traffickers
The Vidigal favela is located at the base of "Morro Dois Irmãos" (Two Brothers Hill). Morro Dois Irmãos is also the location of a very frequented and sought-after Two Brothers hike. Anyone wanting to complete this hike would travel to Vidigal. At the base, near the plaza (Praça do Vidigal), visitors may choose to ride to the Vila Olímpica soccer field (the entrance for the hike) by Kombi van or on the moto-taxis.
Police Station stationed short midway as population increasingly distances itself to the horizon
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -22.9939159 / Gps Link -22.9939554 / Gps Link -43.2342637
Gps Coordinates / -22.9939159,-43.2390637 / -22.9939554,-43.235892 / -22.9945421,-43.2342637
There are two viewpoints in this hike before reaching the final destination of the peak. From the first, you will be able to see Rocinha, which is the largest favela in Latin America, and a clear view of Pedra da Gávea. From the second, you are able to see Serra da Carioca, Gávea, Corcovado (where Christ the Redeemer stands tall), and Pedra Bonita. Once reaching the highest peak of the Morro Dois Irmãos you are able to see all of South Zone (Zona Sul) ranging from Botafogo to Leblon, including a beautiful view of Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon (Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas).
A view from a fancy bar balcony from within the Slum favela
David Beckham bought a house in this notorious Rio de Janeiro here angering alot of Favela (slum) locals here, he purchased it for a cool £250,000 by Brazils standards is quite alot, marketed as trendy 'shanty shacks' with spectacular views for as much as £400,000, rightfully so angering alot of locals with the "gringos" who sleep all day as they say trying to price them out of their culture.
The Vidigal slum is in the heart of Rio's tourism district, but the community are up in arms about the 'foreign invasion' - with most people laying the blame firmly at the feet of England's most famous footballer
Vidigal is Rio's most foreigner-friendly favela, with pousadas (guesthouses), bars, restaurants and even a sushi joint aimed at the tourist market. It is relatively small and picturesque, with spectacular views over the Atlantic, and an hour-long walking trail that winds from its upper limits to the top of the Dois Irmãos (Two Brothers) mountain.
When pacified in 2012, Vidigal was already popular with artists, young Brazilians and foreigners. Scottish school librarian Graeme Boyd, 34, lived there for two six-month periods, in 2009 and 2011. "As long as foreigners respect the locals, make a contribution and use the businesses inside the favela, they will be welcomed," he said. "People reacted to me as if I had lived there all my life."
DJ bar with a view from the balcony
GPS Coordinates / -22.9956951,-43.2420006
From within high up the villa
Vidigal is located between Leblon and Sao Conrado neighborhoods, at the base of Two Brothers Hill.
The neighborhood was named after a former commander of the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro state in the 19th century, Major Miguel Nunes Vidigal. The first slums were built here in 1940s. Before its pacification, Vidigal was considered one of the most dangerous favelas in Rio because of the drug war.
Vidigal favela was pacified in 2011. The local ghetto is now considered to be the friendliest and most cultural favela in Rio. Many foreigners have bought houses here and live in the community permanently. From all the favelas, Vidigal has the best views. It has become quite popular among tourists and locals from wealthy neighborhoods. That's why some Vidigal restaurants with great views have Leblon-level prices.
The Favela Populations are growing, 6% of the population live high up in slums, the populations of 12 million from the 190 million live in Favelas