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Come with us to Peter Jackson’s Hobbiton in New-Zealand in these 360° panoramic VR map view Film Locations

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 Gps Coordinates  /  -37.8574598,175.6799959


Hobbit Movie Set New-Zealand VR Map Locations

 1-35 Bagshot Row, Matamata 3472, New Zealand


Peter Jackson went on the Hunt for suitable land where’as to shoot his film location and as approaching this area in New Zealand he was quoted to have said it’s "like a slice of ancient England" and the set director was even known to have said “Hobbits had already begun excavations” and began work before they even arrived so i guess for both of them it was love at first sight


Link Location Gps -37.8596


GPS coordinates / -37.858243, 175.681013


 Jackson wrote: "I knew Hobbiton needed to be warm, comfortable and feel lived in. By letting the weeds grow through the cracks and establishing hedges and little gardens a year before filming, we ended up with an incredibly real place, not just a film set". Lee commented that "it was satisfying to see that it had taken on something of the look of the Devonshire countryside I'd lived in for the past twenty-five years".


Hobbit Movie Set New Zealand VR Map Locations tmb1Hobbit Movie Set New Zealand VR Map Locations tmb2Hobbit Movie Set New Zealand VR Map Locations tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -37.8575128  /  Gps Link -37.8575871  /  Gps Link -37.8573647

Gps Coordinates  /  -37.8575128,175.6799806  /  -37.8575871,175.6799463  /  -37.8573647,175.681015


Originally wasn't built to last only for film production, so they used untreated wood but the fans of the film pretty much forced them to change this position, so the entire park had to be entirely renovated and treated to last, it was the original film location afterall
Gps Coordinates  /  -37.8717651,175.6831616
Hobbiton has very nice and tranquil scenery from people who are very content with their lives up until the disturbance
Gps Coordinates  /  -37.8576927,175.6798702  /  -37.8573241,175.6804322  /  -37.8576927,175.6798702
A quickview of hobbiton and the surroundings

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