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Find this scary house is another very infamous horror house on Elm Street in these 360° panoramic VR map view Film Locations

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 Gps Coordinates  /  34.0971173,-118.3582047

A Nightmare on Elm Street Vr Map Locations

 1475-1401 N Genesee Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046, USA



We're off to Elm Street in these Film-Set Locations just off Santa Monica Blvd, of West Hollywood. This area is kind of already famous on it's own right with it's host of interesting locations for Film-Sets, but nowhere quite sets the genre for Horror than Elm Street (a fictional name of course) this really is a real street even if the name isn't the same.



 This street probably attracts alot of horror tourists, it has it's good and bad parts i'd guess

 A Nightmare on Elm Street Location tmb1 A Nightmare on Elm Street Location tmb2 A Nightmare on Elm Street Location tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -118.3581888  /  Gps Link -118.3582363  /  Gps Link -118.3581911

Gps Coordinates  /  34.097217,-118.3581888  /  34.097791,-118.3582363  /  34.0969841,-118.3581911



This is the Street Where Johnny Depp kick started his film career as one of the first victims of Freddy Krueger. This is the Nightmare On Elm street Universe and this house being the Mecca of 80's horror, alot of the films do come back to this home as the films that would follow would crave it's own nostalgia so in the films that would follow this home and street would be a regular occurrence in even the latest Film-Sets. I'd feel uncomfortable living in a Mecca of horror as you'd never know what weirdos who love this film would attract to your posh suburb street, i guess that was the original point the film was trying to make, Life imitating art kind of thing, rule me out living in that experiment


 House facing the horror home has an arguably better view also on many credible horror scenes is the house opposite the horror homes usually become victims within an entirely fictional setting


Location Link -118.358206


GPS coordinates / 34.0971041,-118.358206

Actually known as Genesse Avenue in real life but not Elm-Street, there's plenty of real life Elm Streets in the UK where they have to "slash" their prices cause buyers are spooked by the name but on fictional elm Street the prices go up, it's connected to sunset boulevard and glitzy areas.

The street of many kids real nightmares during the 80's & 90's i'm an adult and this film still kinda spooks me

end of Elm street opposite direction


Location Link -118.3581725

GPS coordinates / 34.097082, -118.357902
Some Rich person has bought it for a cool sum of 2.1 million and converted it to a luxury home, you can see why it cost so much it did kick start Johnny Depp, Robert Englunds (freddies) and later with Patricia Arquette's career, it’s weird how someone can spend 2.1million on a home and you feel bad for them, they’re too ignorant to realize places like these are magnets to all the crazies the world has to offer (literal crazy magnet), there’s whack-job people who think their JFK and George Washington and they never made films. Freddy was a dude who systematically brain-washed people and murdered them in their sleep /awkward when you tell the wife where your moving

Staying in an infamous mecca of murderous horror is never a good thing full-time

 Aerial View of the famous street Location

Aerial Map View Of Elm Street House


There’s one thing most crazies have in common and this is they have nothing in common with sane people, if you trying to pre-judge what crazy people think then your playing a dangerous game of egoistical proportions, good luck to ya and yer new 2.1 million dollar home, you’ll need it

Rich people always believe their exempt from regular weirdo life that we have to live cause they have cash, kinda irritates me


This is another building on our List that has it's own theme Tune, try to guess what the kids with the skip-ropes are singing



  • 5 years of owning this yellow beast