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Cecil the haunted hotel in these paranormal L.A ghost tours hotspot Panorama 360 s

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Gps Coordinates  /  34.0444221,-118.2508346


Haunted Hotel Cecil cursed hotel Paranormal 360 Pictures

 S Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90014, USA


Our first picture above could actually be the morgue truck or at least could be the initial truck that confirms the assistance medical vehicle of the morgue truck that calls for it's assistance. Crime scene tape around the hotel July 2014 on 2nd lane of traffic, the curse continues


Link Location Gps -118.2508965


Gps Coordinates  /  34.0444433,-118.2508965

Elisa Lam was a 21-year-old student visiting Los Angeles for the first time when she mysteriously disappeared in 2013, and was found in a water tank of the Cecil Hotel in Downtown L.A. 19 days later




 Police later said there was no evidence of trauma and her death was accidental, even if the exact circumstances leading to her demise remain unknown. Customers were saying for weeks there was a funny taste in the water, her body was found decomposing in the water tank when discovered, customers had been showering and drinking the water

Cops outside the Cecil hotel Feb 2009, taking a break or investigating recent curses


Link Location Gps -118.2509012


Gps Coordinates  /  34.0444018,-118.2509012

Elisa Lam video #2



 A prolific serial killer chose The Cecil hotel as he went on a spree, Night Stalker Richard Ramirez. In 1989, Ramirez was convicted of thirteen counts of murder, five attempted murders, eleven sexual assaults, and fourteen burglaries. The judge who upheld Ramirez's nineteen death sentences remarked that his deeds exhibited "cruelty, callousness, and viciousness beyond any human understanding". He chose this hotel as his lair.

List of deaths at the Cecil hotel have also depth

Street View cars first introduction with the hotel in June 2008

Link Location Gps -118.2508176

Gps Coordinates  /  34.044435,-118.2508176


Another serial killer, Austrian Jack Unterweger, stayed at the Cecil in 1991, possibly because he sought to copy Ramirez's crimes. While there, he strangled and killed at least three sex workers, for which he was convicted in Austria.

Alley way of the side of the building includes a security team at entrance


Link Location Gps -118.2507374


Gps Coordinates  /  34.0440121,-118.2507374

Elizabeth Short. In 1947, the body of the young actress was found unclothed in a park near to the hotel. It has never been discovered who killed 22-year-old Short, also known as 'The Black Dahlia' in reference to one of her films, but the link to the Cecil Hotel comes as a result of unfounded claims she drank in the hotel's bar the night before her death.


Dorothy Jean Purcell, who stayed at the accommodation in 1944. It's reported that the teenager was unaware she was pregnant when she checked into the hotel with her 38-year-old boyfriend Ben Levine, and unexpectedly gave birth to a baby boy in the toilet of her room. Purcell threw her newborn son out of the window of the high rise hotel, later telling authorities she had believed her baby was dead. An autopsy revealed he had air in his lungs at the time of death and had therefore not been dead prior to landing on a nearby building. 

Side entrance of Cecil Hotel

Link Location Gps -118.2509799


Gps Coordinates  /  34.0441873,-118.2509799

On October 12 1962, Pauline had an argument with her estranged husband in a room on the ninth floor. After Pauline’s husband left, she wrote a suicide note and jumped from the window. Coincidentally, George was walking directly below on the pavement at the same time – and Pauline landed on him. They were both killed instantly. Police initially thought it was a double suicide case.

In 1964, a retired telephone operator called “Pigeon” Goldie Osgood, was found dead in her room. She had been robbed, stabbed and raped – and the case was never solved.


The hotel is located in Skid Row, a neighbourhood in downtown Los Angeles. The complex, at 640 S. Main Street, was built by three hoteliers, William Banks Hanner, Charles L. Dix and Robert H. Schops, as a destination for business travellers and tourists. But since then, hundreds have died and murderers have checked in to stay.  Amy Price was the manager of the Cecil Hotel for ten years, between 2007 and 2017. She’s interviewed in the Netflix series, and says her job was to “fix up” the troubled hotel. “I believe in the 10 years I was working there, there were about 80 deaths”, she adds.




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