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James Dean Junction seems mythical on approach of a 1950s bygone era of cultural icons immortalized by tragedy.

James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations

Link Location Gps  ← Find Best directions

 Gps Coordinates  /  35.7344575,-120.285614


James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations

Shandon Joint Unified School District, CA, USA




Dean and his personal mechanic, Rolf Wutherich, were involved in a head-on collision that killed Dean 30th September 1955 at the age of 24



Wutherich, who survived, sustained multiple injuries when he was thrown from the vehicle.

James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations 1

Link Location Gps -120.2854759

Gps Coordinates  /  35.7342989,-120.2854759

This area has become alot safer and more unreconizable than the poorly maintained junction it is is now today called the “James Dean Memorial Junction” and bares a sign with the name.




James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations tmb1James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations tmb2James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -120.28561  /  Gps Link -120.2856282  /  Gps Link -120.2854957

Gps Coordinates  /  35.7343503,-120.28561  /  35.734326,-120.2856282  /  35.7343667,-120.2854957


Later that year, the "Little Bastard" toured national auto shows and traffic safety exhibitions. Legend also holds that the "Little Bastard" mysteriously disappeared in 1960.



James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations tmb4James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations tmb5James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations tmb6

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -120.2854734  /  Gps Link -120.2855741  /  Gps Link -120.2848556

Gps Coordinates  /  35.7343683,-120.2854734  /  35.7342794,-120.2855741  /  35.7344088,-120.2848556

Many stories about Deans Junctions here have even gone the paranormal route, it's a debate if the car was stolen and scrapped for parts, what's also being debated are what happened to those cars that used those parts many paranormal observers speculating that those parts are cursed.




James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations tmb7James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations tmb8James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations tmb9James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations tmb10

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -120.2853561  /  Gps Link -120.2851079  /  Gps Link -120.2849935  /  Gps Link -120.2848854

Gps Coordinates  /  35.7344131,-120.2853561  /  35.7345089,-120.2851079  /  35.7345594,-120.2849935  /  35.7346115,-120.2848854

In 2005, for the 50th anniversary of Dean's death, the Volo Auto Museum in Volo, Illinois, announced they were displaying what was purported to be the passenger door of the "Little Bastard".


James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations 2

Link Location Gps -120.284788


Gps Coordinates  /  35.7344204,-120.284788



Volo and Barris offered $1,000,000 to anyone who could prove that they owned the remains of the "Little Bastard". No one came forth to claim the prize.


Stolen from transit returning from Florida exhibit to Los Angeles saled boxcar empy upon return.

James Dean Crash Site James Dean Junction California VR Famous Locations 3

Link Location Gps -120.2856251


Gps Coordinates  /  35.7343339,-120.2856251



The "curse" of James Dean's car, the "Little Bastard", has become part of America's cultural mythology.




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