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Travel and Adventure 360 Panorama VR Locations


Travel n Adventure Stash is a collection of our more adventurous, this is a collection of not your average typical conventional travel locations, with our Travel and Adventure collection of VR Panorama 360s we try and find locations in far flung regions, perhaps not every time but as frequent as we can gather them, and they're only far locations depending on where you live as we don't all live in the same locations so it's easy to point the finger and say that's not a far distance while forgetting not everyone is your neighbor. At Funnystash we enjoy trying to find farout VR locations of PhotoSphere Panorama 360s to add to our collection of Panoramas, if you have any Adventurous Panoramas please remember to stash with us, below is a collection of Travel n Adventure Panorama 360s we enjoyed

Come visit our Stashes at Funnystash we are a community of Stash finders, we locate the GPS and fun map locations around the web saving you the need to look for them yourself, Simply click our Stash locations or copy & paste our GPS locations and go directly to the locations. You can sign up and register with Funnystash and contribute to our Stash by finding new locations or even adding your own, perhaps your already a veteran of mapping your locations Stash them with us and join our Community

We’ve added a list of our Favorite VR Travel locations below 

Country Border Lines Travel n Adventure 360 Links


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GPS Coordinates / 43.9746783,19.5408782

Regardless of who you are or what your interested in it's always fun to see what other countries borders are see the recent on going events or go on a history tour of that particular country, some times and often you can learn alot about a country's past or future not to mention past or recent conflicts by merely gazing at their borders. Some countries have very relaxed borders from country to country and some borders are so tense you can cut the tension with a knife, we'd love to see any stashes you may have come across regarding touring borders or any great stories you may have about country borders


Scottish Castles Vol1 Travel n Adventure 360 Links

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GPS Coordinates / 56.454781, -5.437538

Scottish castles have a unique history and ancestral origin making them ingrained with their own unique dram of culture and folklore dating back to interesting times of the British empire that have vast interest to archaeologists as these castles also defied the Roman Empire and many Anglo Saxon wars that would have do doubt followed during the fall and rise of separate empires which were fully aware of the drunk redhead angry Scotsmen which patrolled these hills. Even at some point in history teaming up then falling out with families of The Vikings, the Scottish were quite a violent nuisance to many different empires, to brush over Scottish castles would be a travesty if you were told otherwise to say it mildly

The Real Draculas Castle Travel n Adventure 360 Links

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GPS Coordinates / 45.515053, 25.367170


You can't go a tour of the world without visiting the real Dracula's castle, the true origin of Gothic horror, at least some claim, sure there's many other inspirations of Gothic horror but this castle is the epitome of a nicely packaged Gothic castle which would later be the inspiration of many other gothic themed castles. Bran Castle, situated near Bran and in the immediate vicinity of Braşov, is a national monument and landmark in Romania. The fortress is situated on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia


AZTEC Pyramids Travel n Adventure 360 Links


Link Location Gps ← Click to visit

GPS Coordinates / 18.113225, -89.807598

Beautiful monuments of Aztec were once considered pretty young as opposed to even Oxford university has now taken a surprise twist as advanced X-rays with modern technology now appear to show other pyramids below it alot like how a Russian doll works this is a new adventure for archaeologists who once believed finding any origin of the Mayans and aztecs was a fool's errand. Everything and everybody was wiped out by The Spanish Inquisition of the 16th Century when they brought weapons, death and germs with them wiping everything out. It appears there maybe a new adventure afoot and possibly we're going to get more than we ever bargained for with the Mayans as there lies many mysteries yet to be discovered, possibly untold riches of the Aztec gold and perhaps even the original map to The Fountain of Youth which many Spanish were looking for on their original voyage


  • Explain To The Homeless Guy