Come with Funnystash to the places that inspired films like The Hills Have Eyes in these Paranormal Panorama360s
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Gps Coordinates / 50.7443922,78.5558188
The Real Hills Have Eyes Paranormal Panorama 360 Pictures
Ulitsa Abaya 27-29, Kurchatov 140000, Kazakhstan
Known as the Semipalatinsk Test Site, (The Polygon) The Soviet Union tested out nuclear bomb radiation on the local population of Kazakhstan all around here just a stones throw over their own border and tested on the population here for 40+ years (Dear god 40-years) 1949 to 1991 for little regard for their safety, as a matter of fact they were used almost (intentionally) as an experiment to see what the dangers of radiation would have on a population (and make no mistake it is deadly) the population at the time was just over 2 million, there’s argument whether these people should have DNA passports preventing them from populating, human extinction experiment basically
Link Location Gps 50.752805
GPS Coordinates / 50.752805, 78.549689
I wouldn’t be too proud of that nuclear shrine, i guess! you have to live with it, but can anyone really live side by side with nuclear contamination, i don’t think you can live in harmony with nuclear annihilation, i feel sorry for them, i truly do but facts are facts and this is the reality, nuclear contamination takes around 100.000 years before it can become habitable again
GPS Coordinates / 50.745817, 78.558797
There are Atomic bomb craters all over this desert called “The Polygon” it wouldn’t just be atomic bombs they were testing here, The U.S.S.R obviously didn’t give a damn about the safety or the well being of the population (they were the guinea pigs) so they went crazy with radiation testing so not all the effects are easily seen as craters (radiated gas) but there are craters and testing facilities all over this desert, but not all the effects of testing were bombs, very, very tragic. There is still growing debate over the population with many condemning it as eugenics (purposely extinction, master race nonsense) but the fact that their dna is forever altered meaning they can pass on these undesirable genes to other unsuspecting members of the public gives regular critics to Eugenics pause as the problem can still become drastically worse so a DNA passport is being argued within the scientific community with just as many who are for it that oppose it, the entire subject is extremely controversial
GPS Coordinates / 50.746522, 78.561475
Comeon man knock it off, stop being proud of nuclear fusion, it’s not exactly working out for your towns, if i lived around here i’d have Albert Einstein on every dartboard imaginable, genius German dude but look what he left behind with his genius, massive props for the “Theory” of relativity though, mass respect but i’d still throw darts at you if i was born in these towns
GPS Coordinates / 50.751441, 78.553261
E=MCdart to the head
Da Fuq! is that Joseph Stalin with a beard instead of Moustache? You aint fooling anyone Russia
GPS Coordinates / 50.756504, 78.548340
OMFG it’s worse he’s Soviet nuclear physicist Igor Kurchatov The Director of this chaos and torture, they made a statue after these butchers!!! are you fuqqing kidding me?
Ignorance is bliss for people that think radiation can’t travel, when Chernobyl went off in Ukraine there were trace contaminates found as far away as Scotland and Ireland, for those bad at Geography Ukraine is pretty bloody far from there. The U.S.S.R only had to wait a few decades for Ukraine to explode (melt) and it would have saved them time from testing on an innocent population, they did a good job containing Ukraine’s Chernobyl plant at the time considering how deadly Nuclear Radiation is, all the clean up people died though shortly after. My point is though Nuclear contamination is deadly and it travels, so to think because it’s 20 miles into the desert therefor it’s fine and away from harm is a ludicrous statement to be thinking, so get that thought out your head
Is everything a tribute to what destroyed their towns when they were used as a sick lab experiment for 35yrs!!!
GPS Coordinates / 50.744442, 78.555740
Sry, 45+yrs
GPS Coordinates / 50.746560, 78.561534
Park of Nuclear Technologies
GPS Coordinates / 50.747201, 78.544048
Aerial View of the Real Hills Have Eyes inside Kazakhstan within these VR Pictures
There’s plenty of pictures of this on google images if you want to see it, just look for Semipalatinsk Test Site on google images, i’m not stopping you from posting any however, this is an open and free uncensored forum so post what you like, this is just where i stand personally
Warning : - video contains graphic content of this place above