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The Infamous mysterious location involving JFK can be located here in these Conspiracy 360° map view Panoramas

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Gps Coordinates  /  32.7787191,-96.8084668


JFK ASSASSINATION Conspiracy Panorama 360 Pictures

 384-498 Main St, Dallas, TX 75202, USA



Come with us to the site of the 35th president's assassination from the book depository and the grassy nole it’s still all standing today, you can even tour inside that book depository, not on the actual floor this is off limits to tourists but the offices above and below allow entrance

The Book depository Sixth Floor

GPS coordinates / 32.778717, -96.808440



Link Location Gps -96.8082401


GPS Coordinates / 32.779553, -96.808242

There’s marks on the road and on the pavements providing you with pinpoint accuracy

The Grassy Knoll
GPS coordinates / 32.779051, -96.808656

Where witness's said they seen a 2nd gunman and other witness's said they saw puffs of smoke, then the other witness's died of very mysterious circumstances very near the events of this assassination
X marks the spot where the 35th President of the United States was executed, R.Nixons 1st meeting after being inaugurated was the invasion of Vietnam :FACT:, he even wanted to use nukes, american politics would never be the same after this event, it was a wound that never really healed for the U.S, still laugh when i think of JFK when i was a little Scottish kid, everyone wrote stories about their favorite people when we were like 8yrs old everyone wrote about Superman and Spiderman and i did a piece of how awesome JFK was, chuckle to myself when i think of that, i was a little weird even then
GPS Coordinates / 32.779037, -96.808660

Very fair to say that he had more complicated issues than even A.Lincoln, cause Lincoln could see his enemies and knew how many, JFK's enemies were frequently behind the curtains and within his own group and were trying to overthrow him anyway possible, anyway possible, sadly he would have the same fate as Abe.
Mysterious Suspicious JFK Death List for everyone close to the JFK Cover-Up
FYI : His brother and Ex Girlfriend was also murdered not on the list

The declassified Cuban CIA papers claims to have developed a fast moving cancer poison they were hoping to poison Fidel Castro with, so even the quick cancer deaths are suspicious not to mention JFK's brother being assassinated and JFK's Ex girlfriend Marilyn Monroe mysteriously overdosing also
Aerial View of the Conspiracy Murder of JFK by the CIA to go into a profitable Vietnam War, Conspiracy Aerial View

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