Come with us on a Nepal Bridge walk in this VR Google map Location 360° tour view
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Gps Coordinates / 27.7902466,86.7184891
Nepal Bridge VR Map Locations
Lukla - Everest Base Camp Trekking Route, Khumjung 56000, Nepal
If there's a place more mountainous than the Himalayas then your on Mars, funny to think the older generations look at the younger as weak cause they have bridges now, talk about an able-willing bunch of people, 2 miles vertical to go grocery shopping. During WWII these people were irreplaceable only now are people beginning to realise their history.
Gps Coordinates / 27.7902571,86.7182204
Mount everest Bridge tour guide
Gps Coordinates / 27.790229,86.7182093
Aerial View Of Nepal Bridge VR