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Nazca Ancient Lines ancient mystery in these 360 Travel and Adventure panorama Links

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 Gps Coordinates  /  -14.7069196,-75.1384698


Nazca Alien Lines Peru Mystery Panorama 360 Pictures

 Nazca Estudiantes 11350, Peru



Only god can see them as you need to be a god see, here lies the hidden Nazca lines, many people speculate Aliens, religion or war you choose either way something created this for some reason, theres drawings of birds

Even outlines of triangular ships resembling the destroyers from Starwars, people claim the enormous triangle impression left behind are spaceships that at some point of history left their signature by landing, gotta land somewhere right. The air is very still around here no breezes of much anywhere, probably one of the most calmest deserts in the world are situated in Nazca so if you wanted to leave a hint or message behind then Nazca would be the perfect place, placed here thousands of years ago and will stand here for many dozen thousand years more

Crazy guy on parachute propeller


Link Location Gps -75.138816


 GPS Coordinates / -14.700036, -75.138816


Some of the Nazca lines form shapes that are best seen from the air (at around 500 m (1,600 ft), though they are also visible from the surrounding foothills and other high places. The shapes are usually made from one continuous line. The largest ones are about 370 m (400 yd) long. Because of its isolation and the dry, windless, stable climate of the plateau, the lines have mostly been preserved naturally. Extremely rare changes in weather may temporarily alter the general designs. As of 2012, the lines are said to have been deteriorating because of an influx of squatters inhabiting the lands.


Link Location Gps -75.155072


GPS Coordinates / -14.713270, -75.155072


The Air is very calm in Nazca which is why the lines in the sand has been here for so long once something makes an impression in the sand here it’ll stay for a lifetime which is why the Nazca people chose to leave a message, many claim these lines stretch for just far too long for people to have made them as how would they know what it even looked like if they were unable to see, Historians claim Hot Air blimps but others claim that kind of technology just wasn’t possible at their time so many have ruled out that theory, one mystery is for sure and that’s this will still remain a mystery for quite some time




Determining how they were made has been easier than determining why they were made. Scholars have theorized that the Nazca people could have used simple tools and surveying equipment to construct the lines. Archaeological surveys have found wooden stakes in the ground at the end of some lines, which supports this theory. One such stake was carbon-dated and was the basis for establishing the age of the design complex.


Mcnugget feet chicken dude

Link Location Gps -75.124654


 GPS Coordinates / -14.731250, -75.124654

 Although the lines were partially visible from nearby hills, the first to report them in the 20th century were Peruvian military and civilian pilots. In 1927 Peruvian archaeologist Toribio Mejía Xesspe spotted them while he was hiking through the foothills. He discussed them at a conference in Lima in 1939.


Monkey Lines

Link Location Gps -75.106801


GPS Coordinates / -14.743909, -75.106801


Anthropologists, ethnologists, and archaeologists have studied the ancient Nazca culture to try to determine the purpose of the lines and figures. One hypothesis is that the Nazca people created them to be seen by deities in the sky.


Spider Lines


Link Location Gps -75.087983


GPS Coordinates / -14.731603, -75.087983


Oh and also, UFOlogists claim the lines and triangles you can see around Nazca were put there by ufo’s and starwars type triangle shaped destroyers

Aerial View of Nazca UFO lines giant ancient geoglyphs in their hundreds in these UFO GPS VR Locations


Aerial View Of Nazca Alien Lines Peru


Other theories were that the geometric lines could indicate water flow or irrigation schemes, or be a part of rituals to "summon" water. The spiders, birds, and plants may be fertility symbols. It also has been theorized that the lines could act as an astronomical calendar.

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