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Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza is a museum located on sixth floor of Dallas County Administration Building (formerly Texas School Book Depository) in downtown Dallas, Texas

JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest

Link Location Gps  ← Find Best directions

 Gps Coordinates  /  32.7796548,-96.8082677


JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest

411 Elm St, Dallas, TX 75202, USA




A museum webcam features a live view from the sixth floor sniper's nest. It is not meant to glorify the shooting in any way.


 Overlooking Dealey Plaza at the intersection of Elm and Houston Streets.

JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest 1

Link Location Gps -96.8083403

Gps Coordinates  /  32.77969,-96.8083403

The museum examines the life, times, death, and legacy of United States President John F. Kennedy, and the life of Lee Harvey Oswald, as well as the various conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination.




JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb1JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb2JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -96.8084026  /  Gps Link -96.8084036  /  Gps Link -96.8084475

Gps Coordinates  /  32.7797809,-96.8084026  /  32.7798153,-96.8084036  /  32.7798195,-96.8084475


Museum's exhibition area uses historic films, photographs, artifacts, and interpretive displays to document the events of the assassination, the reports by government investigations that followed, and the historical legacy of the tragedy.



JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb4JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb5JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb6

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -96.8084916  /  Gps Link -96.8085344  /  Gps Link -96.8083014

Gps Coordinates  /  32.7798027,-96.8084916  /  32.7797941,-96.8085344  /  32.7796469,-96.8083014

The museum is self-sufficient in funding, relying solely on donations and ticket sales. It rents the space from the County of Dallas.




JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb7JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb8JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb9

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -96.8084878  /  Gps Link -96.8083055  /  Gps Link -96.8086427

Gps Coordinates  /  32.7796084,-96.8084878  /  32.7802774,-96.8083055  /  32.7798151,-96.8086427

In December 1999, the Zapruder family donated the copyright to the Zapruder film to The Sixth Floor Museum, along with one of the first-generation copies made on November 22, 1963, and other copies of the film.


It opened on Presidents' Day, February 20, 1989

JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb10JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb11JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb12

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -96.8083326  /  Gps Link -96.8083782  /  Gps Link -96.8084201

Gps Coordinates  /  32.7800163,-96.8083326  /  32.7799878,-96.8083782  /  32.7799653,-96.8084201


The Zapruder family no longer retains any copyrights to the film, which are now controlled entirely by the museum.



JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb13JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb14JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest tmb15

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -96.8084536  /  Gps Link -96.8084885  /  Gps Link -96.8085277

Gps Coordinates  /  32.7799461,-96.8084536  /  32.7799258,-96.8084885  /  32.779903,-96.8085277 


On February 19, 2007, the previously unreleased 8 mm film footage of Kennedy's motorcade, donated to the museum by George Jefferies and his son-in-law, was shown publicly for the first time.


The museum was founded by the Dallas County Historical Foundation.

JFK Assassination VR Texas Book Depository Snipers Nest 2

Link Location Gps -96.8083862


Gps Coordinates  /  32.7797219,-96.8083862


The unseen version from the 2007 clip shown The 40-second film, silent and in color, showed the motorcade before the assassination, as well as part of Dealey Plaza the following day.




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