Come with Funnystash to Scenic scenery in an ancient Chinese Village in China's highlands
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Gps coordinates / 24.5848083,112.2958882
Dadonkeng village highlands China Scenery 360 Area Places
Liannan Yao Autonomous County, Qingyuan, Guangdong Province, China
Scenery mounds of hillsides and highland mountainsides in this Chinese village with a spectacular view of the surrounding mountain cliffs and hillsides with unique looking weather patterns in the clouds and unique looking village people, the living accommodation appears derelict and ancient that once looked like it was very habitable before the rise of china during Mao's Communist party era now everyone has moved to the main cities leaving their past behind in the search of modernism
wow clouds
Gps Coordinates / 24.5838855,112.2948771
Further up Village
Gps Coordinates / 24.5836072,112.2944154
Town Steps
Gps Coordinates / 24.5844033,112.295565
Aerial View of village highlands China