Come with funnystash to the highest mountain on Africa's continent with these Panorama 360s Travel Locations
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Gps Coordinates / -3.0808177,37.3255005
Volcano Kilimanjaro Mountain Tanzania Google Map VR
W89G+M6C Gilman's Point, Tanzania
The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro but the gradient leading up to the mountain goes for quite the distance it stretches for miles before you can even begin scaling the mountain as with most record breaking mountains it attracts attention from avid explorers and climbers from all over the world, surrounded by 3 extinct volcanos, Kilimanjaro being the largest of the three went extinct one by one as they made the peaks larger and larger spewing out volcanic rock hundreds of thousands of years ago, so it has interesting geography.
This Panorama Stash provides a tour around the higher base camp of Kilimanjaro, you can have a tour of the tents and facilities or go further down to get a peak of the horizon from where your standing on the mountain
Gps Coordinates / -3.067624, 37.351330
This particular volcano fell in itself when it went extinct creating a unique 3 ring impression nicknamed the Reusch Ash Pit, that you would need to navigate to investigate it’s once fiery center, definitely worth the trip for the ultimate selfie snap on top of a dormant record setting mountain volcano, but be careful it looks quite difficult, but if you’ve already climbed the largest mountain in Africa then what’s another dangerous few hundred feet, the impression of the opening is so wide you could be forgiven for thinking you’re actually climbing into the earth
Another camp a bit further down called “Lava Tower Camp” from that higher up camp we were previously
GPS Coordinates / -3.067795, 37.327482
The top of the gradient leading to the main mountain it still need to be pointed out however that your still above the clouds at this point, few gradients leading up to the main cliffs are above the clouds
GPS Coordinates / -3.080807, 37.325498
Congratulations your now at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro,you must be really tired and thirsty after stashing it all that way here : ) This is the highest point on the entire continent of Africa nowhere is higher than from where your looking in Africa, click around the navigator on the bottom left to see if anyone has stashed any fun Panoramas at the Mount of Kilimanjaro, there’s a few even a tour one
GPS Coordinates / -3.076463, 37.354054
Aerial View of the Volcano Kilimanjaro Mountain Tanzania in these Google Map VR photospheres