Funny videos, humorous pictures, amusing locations. Funny link virtual tour whereabouts of interesting regional places, virtual browsing entertaining alternative broadcasting.

ANYONE IS ALLOWED TO STASH HERE or REPLY DON'T THINK YOU CAN'T, JUST FOLLOW OUR INSTRUCTIONS AND YOU'LL BE FINE - we review your stash and if it sucks or isn't displayed remotely how we asked then don't expect us to care if you didn't, anyway you upload is actually fine we're just giving out pointers to help get priority


Our "Street-View" section is the only exception though, we want (actually need) demand more funny stashes on replies, not an easy task trawling through street-view

This is a tutorial on how to make a Stash post, just copy exactly how we do our stashes and you’ll be fine, so make your 1st post as a heading like we have then make a 2nd post with the additional information like we do. We have a range of stash picture sizes we use to give us a blend of different layouts that fit smart-phones to desktops beautifully, these sizes were carefully chosen for those reasons, we highly advise you use our same sizes or as close as you can achieve, we'll give points for trying, at the very least create picture links to your content locations

Use our picture as a template for size, we'd prefer it if you use our dimension size cause we're tidy freaks but you don't need to, a rough size just under these dimensions are fine also but don't go over the size, we have a list of free paint applications you can use here
If you have any further issues leave your questions below and we'll get back to you
If you know how to do these 5 steps there's no need to read further below ☑
This may look daunting but it's quite straight forward

1).How to make Jpeg banners at sizes of 786 x 396 or 216x338 ☑ Just under in size will do but never oversize but try to keep ratio correct ie:- design of picture measurements
2).How to upload those images onto the internet and stash ☑
3).How to use our simple to use Link to Picture code ☑
4).How to add a post followed by a 2nd reply how most of our stashes look ☑
5).How to add coordinates (gps) right clicking on the map and "where is this" copy coordinates and stash coordinates below each stash ☑
This Stuff below is just stuff to help you become a better Stasher, no need to follow
If your not using mapping like with Google don't worry about submitting GPS
◕ Example of our GPS / 55.928917, -4.768570 we don't care how you arrange the data, when you get Jedi at this you can pluck the GPS from the url, if the Panorama whereabouts is a small location only one GPS is required to help our moderators find the location and update it easily while drinking beer
Just copy how we do our Stashes, 1st post with image linked with another link below the picture followed by "← click for fullscreen" then your awesome content on the 2nd post
◕ We also advise against using "short URLs" Google could pull the rug away from our feet at any moment when they feel like it and there's no way to locate the GPS from a "short URL" we have no faith in large companies and nor should we.

◕ Always make sure your map search is fresh and clean (before pasting) Google sometimes adds your history into your url without you noticing and even useless recent breadcrumbs if your being lazy locating your location by using the map search, we are not interested on what you had for lunch or past searches, smaller the url the better, we will check if your being noob

Making a picture can be tricky but follow our advice and you’ll make screenshots easily everytime using MS paint and save that as a .jpg, just get the location you’d like to screen grab, fullscreen your browser to get a fullscreen grab by pressing F11 then press PrtScn on your keyboard that captures the picture save the above picture onto your computer and open it with Ms-Paint. With your Prtscn saved you can press ctrl+v to paste or drop down menu paste from the toolbar on Ms-Paint, you have the screen grab onto your paint you can now resize it to exactly fit our dimension picture above. With your mouse locate the corners of the picture until you see the cursor change now hold and drag the picture changing it’s size, once you have it matched up to our 784x394 banner, go to file and save as a .jpg, upload your image onto your favorite picture storage provider like imgurphotobucket etc, etc;
Click Here
To know if the picture is the correct size you may need to try a few times to get it picture perfect, you can right click each image the hard-way in your folder where you save the pictures and go to properties to check each individual picture or enable Dimension folder view options manually to easily see the dimensions of every picture easily and automatically just right click then -->, simply go to sort by > more > then select dimensions so that way every picture will show you it's dimensions from then on out without asking everytime

Open the image after uploading to a picture host like imgurphotobucket to get the address url directions and add it to the text below, the text below is what you need to use to stash it on funnystash, a linked picture ˚◡˚
Replace “your picture url” with the url of the real picture then replace url to the location of the panorama360s or map locations that you want us to see once we click your picture, congratulations you’ve created an awesome dynamic stash where other users can take part and have fun discussing your location or finding new updates, feel free to discuss in your own topic and sharing it on social networks using our buttons to the right, if you do it correctly you'll attract quite the little audience to your stash and we keep track of all social network pages so you'll receive karma and awards from us if you create something genuinely fun and interactive for our Stashers, welcome aboard ˚◡˚

This way we can have 3 separate location link pictures that almost looks like one single image

You can Google map search GPS
You can pluck the GPS of your zoomed in location from the address browser top bar, GPS is an old school axis algorithm that is universal not exclusive to Google, so we recommend adding GPS when stashing when and if possible, so if something goes wrong our people can easily correct it and find your locations
You can always test if you have the correct GPS by placing it into a Google Map search, GPS co-ordinates makes our jobs easier so we show your stash more respect, if anything happens to your Stash it's easy peazy for us to locate it

We only highlight & showcase your Panorama360s we don't host them, use the link here or click the picture below to find Hosts for Panorama360s, it has become easier throughout the years.

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