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 Space VR is an interesting topic (project) for discussion as they’re sending (sent) a project into space travelling VIA a rocket



Space VR is an interesting topic (project) for discussion as they’re sending (sent) a project into space travelling VIA a rocket giving people the ability to see a real earth from space they are asking for yearly subscriptions but if they pull it off it'll truly be cosmic and if that wasn’t enough they have plans to send many more around our solar system giving people the ability to witness distant planets and moons, (flat earthers grinding teeth) that would be one heck of a way to go UFO hunting if you can't see any ufos on your nearest moon why not check Saturn's moon and see if you can catch the UFO before it whizzes out the Solar system, a small sacrifice of paying a subscription plus you can be part of the official gang that are helping to privatise space as a business and have less government control over your space exploits and adventures a small price to pay to sponsor the business sector into space travel, this is essentially a space tourism industry, very innovative project for VR


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