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Either by accident or somebody Evily sinister behind wheel in this map place VR panoramic 360° map view

Link Location Gps  ← Find Best directions


 Gps Coordinates  /  60.3502464,-1.2665753


Scottish island Super Hero convention VR Map Places

 B9071, Shetland Scotland ZE2 9PX


 Somekind of Super Hero convention party or legion of doom meeting taking place on the ancient Shetland town of Voe


Scottish Island Super Hero Convention VR Map Places 1

Link Location Gps -1.2665869

Gps Coordinates  /  60.350243,-1.2665869


 Shetland Bar party on the remote village of Voe Shetlands some of our earliest civilizations come from the shetlands and it appears they're not scared to adopt others civility even if technically those civilizations are borrowing what these islands originally worshipped that are popular in today's comic books


Scottish Island Super Hero Convention VR Map Places tmb1Scottish Island Super Hero Convention VR Map Places tmb2Scottish Island Super Hero Convention VR Map Places tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -1.2662281  /  Gps Link -1.2667419  /  Gps Link -1.2668925

Gps Coordinates  /  60.3503241,-1.2662281  /  60.3502032,-1.2667419  /  60.3501513,-1.2668925

 There are parts of the shetlands real closeby that are more ancient than The Great Pyramids Of Egypt that would look great in the backdrop of a comicbook movie and place of it's origins might actually be closeby the ancient township of Voe, we joke here by it's actually rather fascinating


Scottish Island Super Hero Convention VR Map Places tmb4Scottish Island Super Hero Convention VR Map Places tmb5Scottish Island Super Hero Convention VR Map Places tmb6

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link -1.2670578  /  Gps Link -1.2671174  /  Gps Link -1.2673255

Gps Coordinates  /  60.3500855,-1.2670578  /  60.3500637,-1.2671174  /  60.34999,-1.2673255


This is funny due to the sheer remoteness of it


Link Location Gps 02


Is this an alien shooting a dog!

GPS Directions / 59.797573,-1.4946408

i used to take alot of LSD as a kid and if you had any stashed on you i'd have to fight the urge and resist, possibly this is why i'm seeing this as a dog being blasted by a lazer beam and the dogs head flying through the air, or is it only me who see's this !!!

he's got a wee pair of buttocks also and a stool

Funnily in the film Prometheus, the opening scene is in Scotland when they find hidden alien artifacts, yet they missed this big chunk of evidence!!!





Pierhead Restraunt & Bar Shetland 2022

Sad to see the Shetland Bar up for sale, likely hit hard due to the great pandemic of 2020

Scottish Island Super Hero Convention VR Map Places 2

Link Location Gps -1.2665675

Gps Coordinates  /  60.3502471,-1.2665675 

  • Absolutley incompetent city chaz encampment