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Visit the Notorious prison systems in Israel in this funny old world

Israel Prisons VR Map Places

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Gps Coordinates  /  32.0425729,34.7705053


Israel Prisons VR Map Places

Israel Prisons

 Tel Giborim 2-12, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel



13 prisons with a population of 9 million and the width of israel is only 420 Kilometers (260 mile) 420 isn't that long, it's a very short distance, 420 is a popular number with weed smokers so easy to remember if you ask them their favourite number if you need to remember the number at in a company/friend setting. Roughly smaller in length with the distance between Egypts jungle lining the Nile, jungles in the desert are pretty small and still larger than Israel, go look at yourself.

Ashmoret Penitentiary Prison Israel


Israel Prisons VR Map Places-1


Link Location Gps 32.3232892


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.3232892,34.9038865



Israel has 13 prisons with many more we couldn't get near the real numbers the actual numbers are far higher in the 20+ range whereas the entire nation of Scotland has 14 prisons in total. Northern Ireland has 3 to put the amount into perspective and the population in Israel isn't that large with 9 million population which is also a small population. This is why we have an entire different section for Israel, if you can get more prison content we'd appreciate it

Hasharon Prison

Israel Prisons VR Map Places-2


 Link Location Gps 32.2406062


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.2406062,34.8868856


This prison is located South of the line extending between Tulkaram and Netanya on the old road leading to Hadera. This prison was built in the 70s specifically due to clashes between Arabs and Jews. Today, the prison consists of three sections: one section for children designated as security prisoners and another for children designated as criminal prisoners. The third section is specially designated for Palestinian women prisoners. The prison is surrounded by a high wall that reaches 3 meters in height and includes four high watch towers. The prison previously used to contain a high number of Palestinian children under 16 years of age amongst a number of Jewish criminal prisoners, which endangered their lives and made them vulnerable to harassment and violation by the criminal prisoners.


Hasharon Prison backside


Israel Prisons VR Map Places-3


 Link Location Gps 32.240589


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.240589,34.8817048

Tel Aviv Detention Center  - Attached to shopping center


Israel Prisons VR Map Places


Link Location Gps 32.0425729


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.0425729,34.7705053

Maasiyahu Prison


Israel Prisons VR Map Places-4


Link Location Gps 31.9362303

 Gps Coordinates  /  31.9362303,34.8808413


Maasiyahu Prison is a minimum-security Israel Prison Service prison specifically designated for illegal immigrants and others awaiting deportation (as well as others convicted of various minor-to-moderate crimes, including Israeli citizens). The nickname for the "Torani" (religious) wing of the prison is "Beis Medrash Maasiyahu'' because of the wholesome religious environment and constant Torah study that occurs inside that section. The whole prison complex is located in the city of Ramle in the Central District of Israel.


Gilbo's Penitentiary Prison Israel


Israel Prisons VR Map Places-5


Link Location Gps 32.5465101


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.5465101,35.4164744

Located in the North of Palestine, Gilboa prison was recently established in 2004 next to Shatta prison in the Beesan (Hebrew: Beit She’an) area. It is a high-security prison, and is described as the most intensely secured of its kind where occupation authorities incarcerate Palestinian prisoners.

Excerpt from link below states -  “A total of 137 prisoners were infected by COVID-19 in Gilboa Prison in northern Israel, he said, stressing that Israel did not care about the lives of the prisoners and did not take protective measures.”


Megiddo Prison


Israel Prisons VR Map Places-6


 Link Location Gps 32.5723282


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.5723282,35.1906258


Located in the meadow area of Beni Amer en route to Haifa, this prison was used throughout the British Mandate over Palestine and was expanded by the British before the Israeli occupation to include ‘security’ prisoners. Megiddo is therefore a relatively old military-controlled area; its associated detention center was opened by the Israeli occupation forces in March of 1988 with the beginning of the First Intifada. Thus the site which was, for a cert, used to imprison Jewish and Lebanese criminal prisoners then became a prison and detention center. Since 2005, the managerial authority over the prison was transferred from the occupying military to the Israeli Prison Services. Ofer prison also holds both administrative detainees and children. Occupation forces imprison child prisoners and administrative detainees in Megiddo as well-- which contains a special section for isolation.

Shita Prison


Israel Prisons VR Map Places-7


Link Location Gps 32.5480508


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.5480508,35.4145244


Opened in 1952, this prison is located in Beesan valley south of the Galilee Sea where temperatures can run high, reaching up to 40 degrees Celsius in the summer. The prison is surrounded by a high cement wall that reaches 7.3 meters, topped by barbed wire, and six watch towers. 

Damon Prison

Israel Prisons VR Map Places-8


 Link Location Gps 32.7333173


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.7333173,35.0236814


This prison was opened in 1953 as a camp for detaining Palestinian prisoners. After being shut down in 2000, it was reopened during the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Damon Prison is located in Northern Palestine in the forests of Carmel in Haifa. It was established during the British mandate. These prisons were closed and reopened due to pressures


Hermon Prison and Tsalmon combined mega prison

Israel Prisons VR Map Places-9


Link Location Gps 32.873639


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.873639,35.4526312

Jerusalem Prison


Israel Prisons VR Map Places-10


Link Location Gps 31.7815824


 Gps Coordinates  /  31.7815824,35.2225199

Eshel Prison in background


Israel Prisons VR Map Places-11


Link Location Gps 31.2135793


 Gps Coordinates  /  31.2135793,34.8129253



The Beersheba prison complex was established in 1970 to detain Palestinian prisoners, and it is located close to the city of Beersheba in Southern Palestine. The site consists of four prisons, each separated from one another: Ohli Kedar and Eshel for security prisoners, Dekel for criminal prisoners, and Ayala which was founded to become the first private prison. Alya was shut down by a Supreme Court decision. The Beersheba complex is used for isolating prisoners in specific cases such as hunger strikes.  Together the four prisons can accommodate hundreds of detainees. In 1984, all security prisoners were deported to other prisons and detention centers, leaving Beersheba as a site for criminal prisoners only. Though after 1987, a new isolation section was established at Beersheba by transforming the existing sections 7 & 8 to isolation sections, as well as returning to imprisoning Palestinian security prisoners in regular cells. Other sections continue to be used for both Arab and Jewish criminals.


Prison Six

Israel Prisons VR Map Places-12


 Link Location Gps 32.7136866


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.7136866,34.9706768


Old Fortress Prison relic tourist prison


Israel Prisons VR Map Places-13


Link Location Gps 32.923764


 Gps Coordinates  /  32.923764,35.0691104

An Ottoman fortification, built on the foundation of the Hospitaller citadel. The citadel was part of the city's defensive formation, reinforcing the northern wall. During the 20th century the citadel was used mainly as a prison and as the site for a gallows. During the British mandate period, activists of Jewish Zionist resistance movements were held prisoner there; several were executed there. The Irgun staged a famous prison break against the citadel in May 1947, which is commemorated by a monument nearby. Famous characters like Baha'u'llah and Israel's prime minister Menachem Begin used to be locked there. Today the site is managed by the Ministry of Defense, so bring your passport if you plan to visit.




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