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A street in America Detroit that was known for gangland shootings in this map place VR panoramic 360° map view

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Gps  /  2.4308685,-83.0738942 

There always saying America isn't secure enough within it's own borders, i'd say with neighbourhood watches like this in the community then the skies the limit when it comes to community security


Link Location Gps 02



Google goes by 2 years later of August and he does not look too pleased with his actions, perhaps in this time he's had time to sit down and reflect that crime doesn't pay, oh wait it actually does pay ఠ ͟ಠ



Link Location Gps 03

Literally around the right corner at the back of their home, (dope house) there's a chop shop with some whacked out car grease balls getting their freak on, i aint kidding if you pan the frame slightly you see the same "dope house" from the back-garden



Link Location Gps 04

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