Funny videos, humorous pictures, amusing locations. Funny link virtual tour whereabouts of interesting regional places, virtual browsing entertaining alternative broadcasting.

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Published on 2024-11-25
1981 Prison Without Walls Andre Prophecy
A future prediction from andre 1981 of the future of metropolitan cities some would say given the past and current...
1984 Was 2000
Your government is in control again, hear, watch this. You are free to do as we tell you, you are free to do as we...
2007 Style Movie Humor
A 2007'ish music montage of humorous videos to explore, I said "ish" so not all of them appear 2007 but I need a title
Alex Jones 2002
Alex Jones in 2002 talking about the New world Orders plans for the future
Anatolys Olympian Body Builder
Anatoly did many pranks but his earliest ones were always my favourite
Anonymous 2006 Nation Wide
Truly epic Nation wide campaign to spoil new Harry Potter book ending and detonating radio active material!
Asians Tryout Fresh Eyes
Always important to try and look at things with a fresh new perspective
Athletic Rollerskate Elder
judging a person by their apperance of athletic ability is commonplace in society with this Rollerskate Elder
Avengers Slav Edition
Russian slavs can be unconventional but when they stand front and centre populations take notice and witness
Bitesize Taliban
Taliban insurgents now come in snackbar models, hurry while stocks last
Born White Prefer Being Black
Claims to now identify as a black woman. "I was born white - but i prefer being black"
Break Every Chain
For those who find it difficult to break through those chains there is hope
Brexit Geezer
The amount of Brexit geezers that luv these snippet clips is belting innit bruv
Calling Me A Homo
Alot of poeple on youtube you're calling me a homo, people are making edited versions of my videos and i will not have...
Cheeto Hair Birds Delighted
If i were a hairdresser namer i'd call this one the Seagull pleaser
Compton Crips Pruno Showcase Fruit Bag
90's era Compton Crips showcasing prison fermented fruit in a bag as if they're showcasing crypto champagne stocks
Constitutional Peasants Monty Python Hol...
The king of Camelot has to speak to the normies who consider themselves constitutional Peasants. Monty Python Holy Grail
Couple oh bhoys On Back Of It
Couple oh boys on back of it, the hillbilly off road spoiler is an under-rated escape accessory.

  • Sopranos addicted to gabagool