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Street view adventure at Saipan in these VR Street-View Panorama 360 Location directions

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 Gps Coordinates  /  15.2598574,145.8238448


Saipan VR maps Street-View

 Grotto Dr, Saipan 96950, Northern Mariana Islands



These islands seen alot fierce fighting during WWII with beautiful lagoons and beaches so to show tribute to their efforts we’re sending our little goblins and gremlins around this place to find humor in and around the area, they’re an ancient proud people so in celebration of this we’re going to go around here and mock their culture and everything they hold sacred and dear and if your offended then be offended, we don’t care


Link Gps 15.259482Link Gps 15.242903Link Gps 15.107920


GPS Coordinates / 15.259482, 145.824142 / 15.242903, 145.711803 / 15.107920, 145.717197


Nothing quite says respect to your historical monument more than finger paint

Link Location Gps 15.2406471


Gps Coordinates  /  15.2406471,145.7128494



I dunno what it is, maybe i was effected by beetlejuice too much as a kid but i love these head Panam360s so i like to label these as Beetlejuiced, then the the Panorama 360 guy is just strolling through the undress area nonchalant like there's no problem while everytime strips off into swim gear


Link Gps 15.2404637Link Gps 15.241993Link Gps 15.242010

GPS Coordinates / 15.240465, 145.711627 / 15.241993, 145.712213 / 15.242010, 145.712083


I dunno, am i the only one now tempted to vault this fence and gorge and see what the danger is!!!

GPS Coordinates / 15.184065, 145.758141

Link Location Gps 15.1840666


Gps Coordinates  /  15.1840666,145.7581364


Signs are normally the dangerous things around my city as people have a tendency to rip them off and hauk them at you when they’re drunk

It has it’s Beautiful looking beaches in and around the coast if your interested in sightseeing
GPS Coordinates / 15.152549, 145.789258

  • Benin Enis