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Ever wondered what Everest main-street looked like in these VR Street-View Panoramic 360° Location directions

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 Gps Coordinates  /  27.8043563,86.7104506

Mount Everest Main Street walkways 360 VR maps Street-View

 Namche Marg, Namche 56000, Nepal



Slightly further down the mainstreet the local airport can be located

look below to see the most dangerous runway in the world, you aint going into a river if you run out of runway, your going over the mountain, the elevation of this particular runway is Elevation: 2,860 m, almost 3.000 meters above sea level (‘o^)---hold tight> that’s almost half the height of Mount Everest or three times the height of Ben Nevis in Scotland and windspeeds recorded at an amazing 175-miles/hour

Tenzing-Hillary Airport, the local airport

Coordinates 27.804334, 86.710445


The Local Airport is bizarre scary


Aerial View Most Scariest Airport in The World


Coordinates 27.688032, 86.731998

Absolutely no danger on this runway, completely safe (Ͼ˳Ͽ)

Link Location Gps 27.6881457


 Gps Coordinates  /  27.6881457,86.7319626

Entrance of the Everest Main-Street High-Street


Link Location Gps 27.8036998


GPS Coordinates / 27.8036998,86.7099561

Mt Everest Cybercafe


Link Location Gps 27.8046928

GPS Coordinates / 27.8046928,86.7094742

Mt Everest version of Supermarket Trucks
GPS Coordinates / 27.7995879,86.7106648
Everest Bakery & Pizza Hut with Mount Everest directly behind it, shame it’s cloudy wouldn’t like to be trapped up there when the clouds come in but people pay top dollar for just that experience, i’ll never understand humans
GPS Coordinates / 27.8043765,86.7103893

Breathtaking View of Everest just above Main-Street on a clear day, perfect climbing conditions, there’s bound to be hundred scaling this at the moment
GPS Coordinates / 27.8054128,86.7123682
Aerial View of the Main Street from looking down
GPS Coordinates / 27.8065297,86.7134529

post below if you find anything neat around below with a small linked picture which is always helpful for others
Mainstreet Yaks
Gps Coordinates  /  27.8046709,86.7137648

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