Our Trippy endless prism multi dimensional incorporeal Location Stash
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Try our Trippy stash for a psychedelic experience, it used to be back in the day where you needed huge doses of drugs to see things like this in a surreal setting which inspired and captivated deep feelings of euphoria and inspiration in many artists and musicians, thankfully you no longer have to risk your life taking huge doses of hard narcotics for a truly unique psychedelic trippy VR experience. Simply visit our Trippy stash and do it sober, or drunk whatever way you feel comfortable, we're going to accumulate a large list of psychedelic PhotoSphere Panorama 360s HD VR 360 experiences effortlessly that you can see off the fly without the need for expensive cumbersome equipment and chill out under the spectrum prism of a fabricated reality and we aim to do it with a community who appreciate the weirder things
Come visit our Stashes at Funnystash we are a community of Stash finders, we locate the GPS and fun map locations around the web saving you the need to look for them yourself, Simply click our Stash locations or copy & paste our GPS locations and go directly to the locations. You can sign up and register with Funnystash and contribute to our Stash by finding new locations or even adding your own, perhaps your already a veteran of mapping your locations Stash them with us and join our Community
We’ve added a list of our Favourite VR Trippy and Trance locations below ↓
Psychedelic Trance n Trippy VR Links
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To me this just looks like rows and rows and rows of enormous poppies like you’d get in an Afghanistan poppy field with a multi color spectrum through a prism is, if you have no idea what that is, the album cover to Pink Floyd dark side of the moon is what i mean, that’s a prism. At no point am i condoning the use of heroin but to me it looks like trippy massive poppies that would grow from a drug field in Afghanistan, but i guess everyone will have their own interpretations, i always like the endless mirror effect, it never fails.
Freaky Still Parade Trance n Trippy
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Incorporeal space appears on the other side of wormhole, Virtual planet made by celestial beings