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Come with us to the Arctic to meet Seals and Emperor Penguins in this panoramic wildlife Vr 360° map view place location

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 Gps Coordinates  /  -54.0084127,-37.6932277

Penguin and seals Sandwich islands Vr Panorama wildlife

 South Georgia Island, SIQQ 1ZZ, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands



It's forgivable to believe the North Atlantic islands are empty due to the severe weather conditions but quite to the contrary there's an absolute hive of activity from Emperor Penguins, seals and all kinds of other scaly, hairy and feathery mischief happening up here in the North

GPS coordinates / -54.008408, -37.693226

Link Location Gps -37.692251

GPS coordinates / -54.015302, -37.692251



Seems like seals are little personality Divas, they all look like they share their own little personalities they all do look fearful of newbies, but i guess in alot of cases wild animals are very proactive within their herd getting up to all kinds nuisance especially that one on the end looks like he's had enough of tourists passing near him
GPS coordinates / -54.028315, -37.258224 / -54.009442, -37.693757 / -54.027992, -37.258374 / -54.284013, -36.507917
Wait, wait. Let me get in the family photo, ahh dammit
GPS coordinates / -54.029937, -37.257113

Like some kind of hidden afterparty, Imagine the noise of all of them trumpeting at once, absolutely no-sleep
GPS coordinates / -54.014773, -37.690691

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