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Alligator wildlife park in Florida with many other creatures in these wildlife Direction and location Panorama 360s

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 Gps Coordinates  /  29.8817715,-81.2887988

Alligator Zoological Park VR

 999 Anastasia Blvd, St. Augustine, FL 32080, USA



This park appears to go back since 1893 making it quite an old alligator park, but hey tv wasn’t invented at that time and there’s all these Crocs, sry Alligators, lets annoy em for fun, sounds like a strange life for floridians but they seem to enjoy messing with Alligators so there’s a few alligator parks around Florida but we personally enjoyed walking around St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park as it was very experienced in their tour. They have inside areas also where you can check out snakes they even have reconstruction fossils of dinosaur Crocodiles and Alligators, for their larger exhibits of alligators they have an underground area to get a look at the perspective of these beasts from underwater, there was no alligator when we passed by that’s why we chose not to link it, if there’s an update and you can see one now let us know and we’ll update that section.


Link Location Gps -81.288688


GPS coordinates /  29.881850, -81.288688


Quite cool collection of albino alligators, i aint ever seen a white alligator before until now, let alone a variety of alligators to see from baby alligators to the adult alligators and a lonely looking tortoise, hope he has a buddy,bad enough being slow let alone lonely

Link Gps -81.2887958 /  Link Gps -81.2888662 / Link Gps -81.2887958


Gps Coordinates  /  29.881958,-81.2887958  /  29.8816996,-81.2888662  /  29.881958,-81.2887958


 Some different alligators this time Caiman you can distinct these as they have pointy extruded mouths hard to tell as these are babies and not fully grown yet, but these alligators on the 3rd image appear to be on the outside of the park, this can’t be right! Wouldn’t want to be neighbors with this park or have a broken down car nearby at midnight


Link Gps -81.2886822 / Link Gps -81.2889195 / Link Gps -81.289136


 Gps Coordinates  /  29.8818552,-81.2886822  /  29.8817077,-81.2889195  /  29.8818066,-81.289136



Alligators on outside of park!!! (Ͼ˳Ͽ)


Link Location Gps -81.2891214


Gps Coordinates  /  29.8817546,-81.2891214


A beautiful looking Stork but the Komodo Dragon on the right is the real rockstar. The Komodo Dragon may not look like much but it's extremely dangerous, it'll eat a human if given the oportunity and can eat something as large as a fully grown horse, and when roaming around in packs or herds as they do they can become very dangerous, their skin is stretched like that because they eat to the point it causes their skin to stretch and break, they have a natural poison which is germs that festers and foams around it's mouth while not harming itself will kill anything it comes into contact with. The Komodo dragon even had a cameo in James Bond skyfall, we really recommend checking out our James Bond Skyfall Stash and walk around "Dead City" click here


Link Gps -81.2888409Link Gps -81.2890737Link Gps -81.2890773


 Gps Coordinates  /  29.8816851,-81.2888409  /  29.8819809,-81.2890737  /  29.8820585,-81.2890773



Link Location Gps 13


what really shocked me though is it appears on the bottom larger picture with the alligators, are they outside the park? imagine if your car broke down outside this park at midnight and you had to stumble around here for help while Mr Alligator dude was attracting them all by feeding them bloody flesh, afterall these creatures are night hunters and can run pretty fast when they feel like it. The outside of the building looks pretty regular also seeming, anything could happen i suppose



Alligators are on outside of park
 Gps Coordinates  /  29.8817197,-81.2880678
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