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Where about is The Oak Island Pirate Stash


We're looking for The Oak Island Pirate Stash we can find it on a map but for a long time no Virtual locations inside on a lighted string have been posted or stashed. For people who don't know The Oak Islands is a popular tourist destination where everyone knows where the pirates stashed their treasure but the mine is so dangerous that nobody will dare go down to it because these pirates were known for booby traps. Someone take some Virtual snaps of this popular tourist location and share with the world and stash back to let us know of The most famous known and un-raided Pirate Stash on a Canadian island. The world must see this.

Directions GPS, data and Locations of The real Pirate Stash is below,-64.2946749,1395m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en,-64.2881137,3a,90y,52.59h,43.29t/data=!3

Add GPS into Google Map Search

Gps/ 44.513276,-64.2881137

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