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Whereabouts are the weirdest 360 vr locations, collection of weird vr locations coordinates


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Most Weirdest VR Location Whereabout Places



Here at we've stashed the best weirdest Free VR experiences and found out where is the best free weirdest Vr Links so far.


Find whereabouts best free VR location directions at Funnystash we now try and find then stash the best VR Links with directions found so far, you can browse our best stash to view it through our 360 s mode or download our VR images and view it through a VR photoviewer. Many tools out there to download our photos or you can just use our Url and remove the "/p/pannellum.htm#panorama=/" on our url to access our raw 360s and save it to your computer as a regular image We've added our first section of strange VR Location Places Links and some of them are really strange


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Sun Temple Konark India vr Links


  Fertility goddess stone art and statues carved all over this temple

Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1

Link Location Gps /indian-konark-sun-temple-tourism-vr-map-links

Gps Coordinates  /  indian-konark-sun-temple-tourism-vr-map-links

Find Full free vr Stash Directions and Places Indian Sun Temple Full of Taboo sculptures where overusing the x/X/x language could land us into some hot water with the algorithms who would categorize us as an adult orientated website, we do want to keep this as family friendly as we can but we do love odditties here at there's some real head scratching statues on this side of this building. Not a family friendly artist it appears


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1a

Link Location Gps /indian-konark-sun-temple-tourism-vr-map-links

Gps Coordinates  /  indian-konark-sun-temple-tourism-vr-map-links

The Konark temple is also known for its erotic sculptures of maithunas. These show couples in various stages of courtship and intimacy, and in some cases coital themes.Notorious in the colonial era for their uninhibited celebration of sexuality, these images are included with other aspects of human life as well as deities that are typically associated with tantra. This led some to propose that the erotic sculptures are linked to the vama marga (left hand tantra) tradition. 


Tree Of shoes 360 Links


CalTrans officials were concerned the tree became a safety issue


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1b

Link Location Gps /tree-of-shoes-california-weird-strange-360-vr-locations

Gps Coordinates  /  tree-of-shoes-california-weird-strange-360-vr-locations

If you have shoes that you would like to retrieve, CalTrans has them and they are being stored at their Beckwourth station


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1c

Link Location Gps /tree-of-shoes-california-weird-strange-360-vr-locations

Gps Coordinates  /  tree-of-shoes-california-weird-strange-360-vr-locations

Statues Underwater vr Links


Museo Subacuático de Arte We have a fantastic collection of underwater statues with underwater places there are many underwater aquatic centers to visit that we'll stash later but the statues underwater just appear more in the wild and more untamed than your regular aquatic centers. Excursions to underwater statues and museums make total sense yet i'm at a loss to explain why, i guess the mystery of being unable to explain the novelty of underwater statues keeps me intrigued


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1d

Link Location Gps /statues-underwater-art-cancun-musa-ocean-find-gps-locations

Gps Coordinates  /  statues-underwater-art-cancun-musa-ocean-find-gps-locations

MUSA (Underwater Museum of Art) is in the waters surrounding Cancun and Isla Mujeres and has over 500 life-size sculptures used to promote coral life.


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1e

Link Location Gps /statues-underwater-art-cancun-musa-ocean-find-gps-locations

Gps Coordinates  /  statues-underwater-art-cancun-musa-ocean-find-gps-locations


Slab City vr Links


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1f

Link Location Gps /slab-city-usa-slum-2016-to-2021-virtual-gps-places

Gps Coordinates  /  slab-city-usa-slum-2016-to-2021-virtual-gps-places

Slab City, also called The Slabs, is an unincorporated, off-the-grid alternative lifestyle community consisting largely of snowbirds in the Salton Trough area of the Sonoran Desert, in Imperial County, California.


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1g

Link Location Gps /slab-city-usa-slum-2016-to-2021-virtual-gps-places

Gps Coordinates  /  slab-city-usa-slum-2016-to-2021-virtual-gps-places

Slab City is widespread, on roughly 640 acres (260 hectares) of public land. To the east of Slab City is Coachella Canal, which is fenced, but gets cut open especially at Slab City, according to the Coachella Valley Water District.


Car Repair Safety Service Inspectors vr Links


Car Repair Safety Service Inspectors Zdzilowice Poland Autocentrum in the town of Zdziłowice near the local Stacja Paliw (Petrol Station) they care about safety as they state


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1h

Link Location Gps /car-repair-safety-service-inspectors-zdzilowice-poland

Gps Coordinates  /  car-repair-safety-service-inspectors-zdzilowice-poland

"We encourage you to read the procedures used by Euro NCAP:"


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1i

Link Location Gps /car-repair-safety-service-inspectors-zdzilowice-poland

Gps Coordinates  /  car-repair-safety-service-inspectors-zdzilowice-poland

A series of tests that are performed to recreate accidents at around 40 km / h in which adults and children are involved as pedestrians. The places of impact are examined and rated good, medium and poor. As in other tests based on the recommendations of the European Enhanced Vehicle-safety Committee.


Snail Home Bulgaria vr Links



Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1j

Link Location Gps /snail-home-bulgaria-art-graffiti-panorama-vr

Gps Coordinates  /  snail-home-bulgaria-art-graffiti-panorama-vr

The construction of this Snail-House in Sofia's Simeonovo district. It is a five-story family house in the form of a funny colorful snail, with horns on its head and butterflies on the back. Internal design combines ancient antique furniture from the owner's ancestors with funny heating radiators in the form of a frog, a ladybug or pumpkin.


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1j

Link Location Gps /snail-home-bulgaria-art-graffiti-panorama-vr

Gps Coordinates  /  snail-home-bulgaria-art-graffiti-panorama-vr

Internal design combines ancient antique furniture from the owner's ancestors with funny heating radiators in the form of a frog, a ladybug or pumpkin. 


Street view of wonderland vr Links 


Street view of wonderland VR maps Street View


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1i

Link Location Gps /street-view-of-wonderland-vr-maps-street-view

Gps Coordinates  /  street-view-of-wonderland-vr-maps-street-view

Wunderland is a model railway exhibit in Hamburg, Germany. The nearly 16,000 meters of train tracks feature miniaturized versions of several notable spots around the world. Choose a location below to see the exhibit in Miniatur Wunderland and its real-life location on the globe.


Weirdest Gps Vr Location Links 1i

Link Location Gps /street-view-of-wonderland-vr-maps-street-view

Gps Coordinates  /  street-view-of-wonderland-vr-maps-street-view

Street-View version of Wonderland allows us to add custom gps location footprint to locate which makes it different from the other hi-resolution photoshoots


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