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Most Controversial VR Location Whereabout Places



Here at we've stashed the best Controversial Free VR experiences and found out where is the best free Controversial Vr Links so far.


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Maxwells Home London vr Links Find


 Sept 2012 Streetview

Human International human trafficker scandal with Buckingham Palace a stones throw around the corner 

Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1

Link Location Gps /maxwell-epstein-home-scandal-news-directions

Gps Coordinates  /  maxwell-epstein-home-scandal-news-directions

This street looks almost like a hollywood scene backdrop and not because of the juicy human trafficking story being front and center in every news outlet but rather the street itself seems like a movie backdrop, it seems to be purposely run down to appear like a regular street in any part of Britain but is infact one of the most expensive streets in the U.K to stay considering a less than 3 minute walk you'll be walking on the backstreets of Buckingham palace if your not there already. This was the Home of Ghislaine Maxwell, her main stay home, she has a very powerful family who downplay their power, her other sisters make software for the FBI. Many claim the allegation they're a powerful spy family for foreign agencies


Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1a

Link Location Gps /maxwell-epstein-home-scandal-news-directions

Gps Coordinates  /  maxwell-epstein-home-scandal-news-directions


Karl Marx Grave vr Links Find



People Love him, people leaothe him, people accuse him of many traits good or bad, he died during his visit to London where he was laid to rest, he wrote many books but none as remembered as the one he co-wrote called The Communist Manifesto 1848 which has inspired many ideologic arguments and argued during many mass genocides through-out our histories, attacks on Karl perisist today, this grave is under 24/7 monitor by authorities

Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1

Link Location Gps /karl-marx-grave-tomb-highgate-cemetery-england


Gps Coordinates  /  karl-marx-grave-tomb-highgate-cemetery-england


Since its construction, the tomb has become a place of pilgrimage for followers of Marxist theory. It has also been a target for Marx's opponents, suffering vandalism, and two bomb attacks in the 1970s.


Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1a

Link Location Gps /karl-marx-grave-tomb-highgate-cemetery-england


Gps Coordinates  /  karl-marx-grave-tomb-highgate-cemetery-england


Immovable Ladder vr Links Find



The movement of this ladder is forbidden and it can actually get violently heated in this area, priests fighting may seem like an odd concept but it can become so common the police will actually beat the preists on camera with batons violently if & when the priests become violent, this has been has been recorded on many occassions so please no complaints to us at funnystash claiming it doesn't happen because we verified it does actually happen frequently enough to have agrand seletion to pick from


Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1n

Link Location Gps /immovable-ladder-church-sepulchre-jerusalem-tourism-vr-gps


Gps Coordinates  /  immovable-ladder-church-sepulchre-jerusalem-tourism-vr-gps


 The immovable ladder has remained there ever since the 1757 status quo was established, aside from being temporarily moved twice.


Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1o

Link Location Gps /immovable-ladder-church-sepulchre-jerusalem-tourism-vr-gps


Gps Coordinates  /  immovable-ladder-church-sepulchre-jerusalem-tourism-vr-gps



By the end of the 19th century, the ladder was being used to bring food to Armenian monks imprisoned by the Turks.


Bohemian Grove vr Links


Bohemian Grove is a restricted 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, United States, belonging to a private San Francisco–based gentlemen's club known as the Bohemian Club.


Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1b

Link Location Gps /bohemian-grove-secret-society-conspiracy-gps-locations

Gps Coordinates  /  bohemian-grove-secret-society-conspiracy-gps-locations

The Grove is particularly famous for a Manhattan Project planning meeting that took place there in September 1942, which subsequently led to the atomic bomb. 

Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1c

Link Location Gps /bohemian-grove-secret-society-conspiracy-gps-locations

Gps Coordinates  /  bohemian-grove-secret-society-conspiracy-gps-locations

When gathered in groups, Bohemians usually adhere to the injunction, although discussion of business often occurs between pairs of members. Important political and business deals have been developed at the Grove.


Skull And Bones Society vr Links


Yale University boasts one of the most exclusive and enigmatic groups in the world, one that dates back approximately 175 years and features numerous U.S. presidents, senators and governors as well as some of the world’s powerful elite among its members.


Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1d

Link Location Gps /skull-and-bones-new-haven-secret-society-conspiracy-gps-locations

Gps Coordinates  /  skull-and-bones-new-haven-secret-society-conspiracy-gps-locations

Skull and Bones “social” club has steadily continued to grow, featuring among its ranks such historical figures as Walter Camp, U.S. president William Howard Taft, Prescott Bush and William F. Buckley Jr. Recent alumni include U.S. presidents George H.W. and George W. Bush, as well as U.S. senator John Kerry.


Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1e

Link Location Gps /skull-and-bones-new-haven-secret-society-conspiracy-gps-locations

Gps Coordinates  /  skull-and-bones-new-haven-secret-society-conspiracy-gps-locations


 John Kerry running against George Bush, both members of the same clubs


NSA Maryland vr Links


Maryland NSA is considered ground-zero for the coverup of the nsa spying on americans because many people forget that americans finding out they were secretly being spied on was a huge scandal that was being denied for almost a decade including under many oaths, now regular people today take it for granted they're being spied on during a regular basis, this was supposed to be illegal and unthinkable by past generations is now just regualr life

NSA have since removed this road and removed access to see it from this spot, we still have it however

Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1f

Link Location Gps /nsa-headquarters-maryland-news-locations

Gps Coordinates  /  nsa-headquarters-maryland-news-locations

Many employees have gone rogue and went on to use the information they have gathered for nefarious purposes, sleep tight.


Controversial Gps Vr Location Links 1g

Link Location Gps /nsa-headquarters-maryland-news-locations

Gps Coordinates  /  nsa-headquarters-maryland-news-locations


Snowden had to leave his life of luxury and flee to Russia for safety with many dangers along his route. Assange has since been detained in american facitilties for journalist offences under the patriot act has been renditioned which is to be stripped of any national diplomacy and socially exiled under national security pretences


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