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World's largest file cabinet in these weird and strange VR 360 Pictures

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Gps Coordinates  /  44.4555901,-73.2168429


Worlds tallest filing cabinet weird and strange 360 Pictures

File Under So. Co., Waiting for...

 221-261 Flynn Ave, Burlington, VT 05401, USA



Gps Location -73.2169311


Gps Coordinates  /  44.4555895,-73.2169311


File Under So. Co., Waiting for... is a public art installation in Burlington, Vermont that is often called the world's tallest filing cabinet. It was built in 2002 by Bren Alvarez in response to years of delays building a new bypass into downtown Burlington, then called the Southern Connector. The filing cabinet is over 50 ft tall and was created by welding 38 individual filing cabinets together over a year, with a steel rod inside keeping it upright. In August 2020, due to construction in the area, the filing cabinet was relocated 100 ft from its previous position onto a new 10 ft pedestal. Birds have been known to nest in the upper cabinets.


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