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Thai Massage Prague odd moment worth sharing due to its oddness 360-s vr locations

Shark Prague Shark Guy 360 Strange Locations

Link Location Gps  ← Find Best directions

 Gps Coordinates  /  50.0831529,14.4248599


Shark Prague Shark Guy 360 Strange Locations

16 Wenceslas Square Prague




Lots of glitches in the matrix on this street view happenstance with the Thai Massage Shark guy dead eyed on the car



Shark Prague Shark Guy 360 Strange Locations 1

Link Location Gps 50.0831175

Gps Coordinates  /  50.0831175,14.424912

More glitches in the matrix with the lady photographer dead eyed with her camera on the streetview car not to be outdone with the other photographer behind her



Shark Prague Shark Guy 360 Strange Locations 2

Link Location Gps 50.0830497

Gps Coordinates  /  50.0830497,14.4250146

The glitch in the matrix slide street view continues as they continue to pan their gaze upon the camera like a paranormal painting

The glitch continues and finished off with a creepy shark stare combined with a twin sister glitch, a woman in red would have made this street view happenstance perfect, oh wait what's that, there's a lady in red walking further up the road as you pan around 30 degrees. Well! of course there is.

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