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Weird and strange Chinese watchpost Locations in these VR 360 Pictures

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 Gps Coordinates  /  41.1179791,126.1886723

China Locations Part1 Weird and Strange 360 Pictures

 459Q+5FV Tongsheng Residential District, Ji'an, Tonghua, Jilin, China



In the event that you see a poor North Korean swim across here from persecution hold him underwater with the mop until help arrives, North Korean prisoner hunting season is officially open

North Korean watch post from the Chinese end

Some people like bird watching, some cultures enjoy fishing, and some cultures just love capturing slaves and punishing their families to three generations of punishment and torture. If you disagree your just being racist

GPS Coordinates / 41.890423, 128.108666



Link Location Gps 41.8904219


You think you’ve seen Panoramas, you aint seen nothing, We Were in Wang

GPS Coordinates / 24.482285, 98.455194


Link Location Gps 24.4822866


Welcome to North Korea border in China, you'll like it so much here you'll never leave

GPS Coordinates / 42.953231, 129.857013

Link Location Gps 42.9532369

Gps Coordinates  /  42.9532369,129.8570034



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