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Come with Funnystash to the Les Machines in France within these Panorama 360s

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 Gps Coordinates  /  47.2055,-1.56719

Les Machines France Vehicles VR

 Parc des Chantiers, Bd Léon Bureau, 44200 Nantes, France


An enormous mad max looking Elephant mobile vehicle, this looks like something out of a futuristic dystopian film with the over use of special effects controlled by some evil villain, the creator did a real nice job bringing this creation to life complete with Tusks and a trunk, the ability to have so many people riding aboard it is pretty cool, although you'd need a grasp of heights to ride on the back but it looks nice up there with a nice sun balcony to relax on, the health and safety people will be in hysteria when they gaze upon this


Link Location Gps -1.5672684


Gps Coordinates  /  47.205887,-1.5672684


I'm under the impression from their official website here that these guys up here that manage the Carrousel are the same engineers that work on les machines and it appears they have a few more projects in the work hit us back with a reply if you have any more updates on these mechanical engineers

Once aboard, you will see the moving gears that power the legs. A machinist will tell you stories about the elephant and have it blast its trunk for your pleasure. Being on the back of the Grand Éléphant is like being on the 4th floor of a travelling house, with a breathtaking view of the former shipyards. In February 2018, after few months of maintenance, the Grand Éléphant became more silent than ever, with a new hybrid motor. The world’s first eco-friendly mechanical pachyderm!

Operation to the Grand Eléphant is subject to weather conditions.



 When this majestic animal goes out for a walk, it is like architecture in motion leaving a steel cathedral. 50 passengers can embark on an amazing journey.


Les-Machines-France-Vehicles-Vr tmb1Les Machines France Vehicles VR tmb2Les Machines France Vehicles VR tmb3

 Link Location Gps  /  Link Gps -1.567801  /  Link Gps -1.5675717  /  Link Gps -1.567685

Gps Coordinates  /  47.206056,-1.567801 /  47.20612,-1.5675717  /  47.2060317,-1.567685




Located on the banks of the Loire river, across from the Musée Jules Verne, the Carrousel des Mondes Marins seems to have been born in the belly of the Île de Nantes, the city’s most maritime spot. Adults and children are plunged into the same imaginary universe of this incredible mechanical aquarium, which you can discover at your own pace.


 Street View Tour on center middle image selection

Les Machines France Vehicles VR tmb4Les Machines France Vehicles VR tmb5Les Machines France Vehicles VR tmb6Les Machines France Vehicles VR tmb6

 Link Location Gps  /  Link Gps -1.5678416  /  Link Gps -1.5673153  /  Link Gps -1.5675104  /  Link Gps -1.5644641

Gps Coordinates  /  47.2058411,-1.5678416  /  47.2056617,-1.5673153  /  47.2059659,-1.5675104  /  47.2062676,-1.5644641

This authentic 360° theatre is also an incredible sculpture dedicated to the sea. Visitors watch as strange and disturbing marine creatures revolve in a huge structure built on three levels. You will discover the sea like never before, from seabed and abyss to sea surface. This giant carousel, almost 25 m high and 22 m in diameter, is a reinvention of fairground art. Three carousels are stacked in concrete lacework, crowned by a Big Top that is itself adorned with pediments, and guarded by 16 fishermen from all the world’s oceans. Unsupervised access to the Marine Worlds Carrousel is permitted for individuals age 13 and up. Operation to the Carrousel des Mondes Marins is subject to weather conditions.


Link Location Gps -1.5675979


Gps Coordinates  /  47.2061688,-1.5675979




In the seabeds,
discover the Giant Crab, the Reverse Propulsion Squid, the exploring Machine that dives deep into the machine room, or the Bathyscaphe that climbs up the central mast… and the latest arrival: the Box Fish. A total of 14 elements fixed onto a rotating plateau.


In the abyss,
on the second level, 6 elements hang 5 metres above the seabeds: the Deep-Sea Lanternfish, the Manta Ray or the Pirate fish… Only visitors over 1m35 (4.5 ft.) are accepted aboard this level.


On the sea surface,
on the third level, a rotating plateau, protected by a Big Top, sweeps away boats, marine harnesses and other flying Fish, a storm Boat, Nutshells and Jellyfish, in a raging whirlpool of 24 big mechanical waves.


Aerial view from above



Aerial View Of Les Machines France Vehicles



Official Website 

Les Machine De Lile

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