El Castillo (The Castle) a Tenerife Island fort in San Felipe built to fight Pirates by Colonial Spain
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Gps Coordinates / 28.4142551,-16.5582523
Stone Fort Castillo 17th Century VR Tenerife
38400 Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
With The advent of Gunpowder many forts were built with sharp corner designs as with this 17th century pentagon fort to deter cannon attacks from pirates purposely built smaller to reduce cannon damage thes forts were usually built with the intention of being used on impending naval battles.
This colonial style fort was built 17th century to defend the city from pirate attacks.
Gps Coordinates / 28.4145487,-16.5592155
The San Felipe Castle is located near the Jardín Beach, in Puerto de la Cruz, on the northern coast of Tenerife.
Three of it's five corners point outwards toward the ocean
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -16.55928 / Gps Link -16.5589593 / Gps Link -16.5589071
Gps Coordinates / 28.4145133,-16.55928 / 28.4147351,-16.5589593 / 28.4146237,-16.5589071
This insolit building has been catalogued as Historic Artistic Monument in 1949.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -16.5590016 / Gps Link -16.5589803 / Gps Link -16.5586281
Gps Coordinates / 28.4146117,-16.5590016 / 28.4145679,-16.5589803 / 28.4142666,-16.5586281
For many years, this singular building, was used for many other uses than defending the coast from pirate attacks, as for example the lazareto, nursing and also a restaurant.
This castle has a pentagonal two floors architecture, on the time it was built it used to have a drawbridge, now replaced by a fixed path
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -16.5580196 / Gps Link -16.5582695 / Gps Link -16.5582642 / Gps Link -16.5583496
Gps Coordinates / 28.4144135,-16.5580196 / 28.4144115,-16.5582695 / 28.4143114,-16.5582642 / 28.4142475,-16.5583496
A cultural space where many exhibitions are held, classical music concerts, poetical recitals with many local artists
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