The Stone Circle 12 Apostles in Austria within these Panorama 360s
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Gps Coordinates / 47.332247,11.184154
Stone Circle 12 Apostles Austria Tourism VR Map Links
Wettersteinstraße 184, 6100 Seefeld in Tirol, Austria
Google map link option of these 12 stones below mixed with other non traditional links further below
Conceived by local architect Michael Prachensky the stone circle was completed by the solstice in 2000 in Austria and consists of 12 steles with the apostle's names chiselled on them.
Link Location Gps 47.332247
Gps Coordinates / 47.332247,11.184154
Somewhat of a pilgrimage looking art installation it’s striking and stands out and very noticeably from the vast amount of space it surrounds, the space and area things like this take for such little mass apart from the needed rock dominates the hillside and surrounding landscape and demands for it to be noticed by anyone close to it’s proximity giving it a unique ancient look on the hillside for a recent art installation monoliths like this always attract popularity for a whole host of different reasons. If you aren’t interested with expanding your consciousness with like minded people then i’d avoid this on a Blue moon as i’m sure there’s all kinds of whacky creatures around here during many Lunar Solaces and Blood Moons
There’s many panorama360s of day time leading into night sadly there’s no night time shots as of yet but if anyone comes across any Panorama360s then we’ll update them but there’s still a selection of beautiful Panorama360s in and around these twelve stones
Link Location Gps 47.3268812
Gps Coordinates / 47.3268812,11.1848268
Link Location Gps 03
GPS Coordinates / 47.326646, 11.184556
Link Location Gps 04
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