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Spain Caminito del Rey in these panoramic Vr Tour 360° map view Travel Locations

Link Location Gps  ← Click for Fullscreen


 Gps Coordinates  /  36.9174531,-4.7739031


Spain Caminito del Rey Cliff Walkway Tourism VR map Links

 El Caminito del Rey, 29550, Málaga, Spain



Gorge Cliff vertigo walk in and around El Caminito del Rey which includes a long walkway, strapped along a steep wall (walls) of a narrow gorge in Málaga, Spain.


Link Location Gps -4.772296


GPS coordinates / 36.917464, -4.772299


I guess it kind of looks touristy, well it is touristy it was built for that reason but tourists have been falling to their deaths in this tourist attraction and has been closed numerous times due to it since it's construction in 1905 which was kind of fast cause the construction was built in 1901



Link Gps -4.770189Link Gps -4.769709Link Gps -4.773521


GPS coordinates / 36.916118, -4.770189 / 36.915259, -4.769709 / 36.916676, -4.773521



A VR tourist destination definitely not for the faint of hearted, mind your head if you miss your step, not kidding there was 5 deaths back in 1999 they had to close it for an extensive period of time due to it. sections have even been known to collapse and people falling to their death.


Aerial View Of Spain Caminito del Rey Cliff Walkway


Amazing people were able to create things like this for hidden walkways way back when? 1905 okay but still cool though, i imagine the death toll would disagree but still cool



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