The organization owned by NASA, operated under contract by nonprofit Manned Spaceflight Education Foundation organization.
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Gps Coordinates / 29.5518345,-95.0981035
Space Center Houston USA VR Tourism Locations
1601 E NASA Pkwy, Houston, TX 77058, United States
Space Center Houston is a science museum that serves as the official visitor center of NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston. It has earned a place as a Smithsonian Affiliate museum in 2014. The Johnson Space Center is the home of Mission Control and astronaut training.
Gps Coordinates / 29.5520798,-95.0968841
The center opened in 1992 replacing the former Visitor Center in Johnson Space Center Building 2. The museum is 250,000 square feet displays over 400 space artifacts, including the Mercury 9, Gemini 5, and Apollo 17 space capsules.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -95.0971761 / Gps Link -95.0957442 / Gps Link -95.0972063
Gps Coordinates / 29.5518512,-95.0971761 / 29.5519233,-95.0957442 / 29.5519745,-95.0972063
Space Center Houston is the home of the Independence Plaza exhibit complex. This attraction contains the world's only Space Shuttle replica, where it stands mounted on one of the two original shuttle carrier aircraft. Independence Plaza is the only place where the public can enter both vehicles.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -95.0973722 / Gps Link -95.0971604 / Gps Link -95.0970404
Gps Coordinates / 29.55193,-95.0973722 / 29.551913,-95.0971604 / 29.5521598,-95.0970404
Of the three remaining Saturn V rockets on display, only the one at the Johnson Space Center is made up of segments originally intended for flight. The first stage of this Saturn V rocket is from SA-514 (originally intended for the cancelled Apollo 19), the second stage from SA-515 (originally intended for the cancelled Apollo 20), and the third stage from SA-513, which was not needed after it was replaced by the Skylab workshop.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -95.0975627 / Gps Link -95.0987674 / Gps Link -95.0989773 / Gps Link -95.0994661
Gps Coordinates / 29.5521145,-95.0975627 / 29.5520361,-95.0987674 / 29.552241,-95.0989773 / 29.5523424,-95.0994661
The exhibit Mission Mars opened in January 2017 and was developed with the help of NASA. It focuses on the work NASA is doing now to plan for future travel to Mars. Mission Mars teaches visitors about the planet through a variety of activities that transport them to the Martian landscape, including a virtual reality wall, real-time weather forecasts, and a Mars meteorite that guests can touch.
Gps Coordinates / 29.5518471,-95.0972315
Visitors can also see a full-size Orion research capsule, experience an Orion spacecraft simulator, and get a look at the next generation of Mars rovers.
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