Come with us to The Mysterious Stone jars of Laos in these panoramic Vr Tour 360° map view Travel Locations
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Gps Coordinates / 19.4310749,103.1524409
Plain of Jars Laos Tourism VR Map Links
Xiangkhouang Province, Laos
Shrouded in myth, megalithic stone jars are scattered across Xieng Khouang Province in groups from one to one hundred. A working theory is that the huge cylindrical jars were used in ancient funeral ceremonies, though local legend has it that the jars were used to brew rice wine for giants. In the 1960s Northern Laos was subject to a massive aerial bombardment by the USA and it’s only been relatively recently that some areas have been cleared and declared safe for visitors.
Aerial View Of Plain of Jars Laos
If these things were for to make booze they'd be thousands of them all over our Scottish castle segment click here lol, god knows they liked a good fight and a drink
GPS coordinates / 19.431005, 103.152256