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The Iya Valley (祖谷渓, Iyakei) is a remote, mountainous valley in western Tokushima Prefecture 360-s vr locations

Iya Valley Japan Virtual Gps Tourism Directions

Link Location Gps  ← Find Best directions

 Gps Coordinates  /  33.9235718,133.8184849


Iya Valley Japan Virtual Gps Tourism Directions

Japan, 〒778-0165 Tokushima, Miyoshi, 池田町松尾


The earliest records of the valley describe a group of shamans fleeing from persecution in Nara in the 9th century. At the end of the 12th century, Iya famously became the last refuge for members of the vanquished Heike clan following their defeat at the hands of the Minamoto in the Gempei Wars. Their descendants are believed to live in the mountain villages to this day. 


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 Link Location Gps  /  Link Gps 33.8753407  /  Link Gps 33.8750583  /  Link Gps 33.8749271

Gps Coordinates  /  33.8753407,133.8351143  /  33.8750583,133.8358117  /  33.8749271,133.8356431


Located deep in the heart of Shikoku Island, the secluded valley is characterized by steep mountain slopes and deep rocky gorges which were traditionally crossed by vine bridges



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 Link Location Gps  /  Link Gps 33.8750855  /  Link Gps 33.9205708  /  Link Gps 33.9213208

Gps Coordinates  /  33.8750855,133.8357309  /  33.9205708,133.8152988  /  33.9213208,133.8174102

One of Japan's Three Hidden Valleys, Iya is home to dramatic mountain scenery, traditional thatched roof homes, and historic vine bridges. Supposedly a hiding place for the fleeing samurai of the defeated Heike clan from centuries past, the isolation of the Iya valley has a rich history of being a waypoint for wanderers and a place one could go to be away from it all. The valley was somewhat raised into the Japanese and Western consciousness by outspoken Japanese-culture conservationist Alex Kerr. His book "Lost Japan" presented an idyllic picture of a misty valley stuck in a time warp to days gone by.


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 Link Location Gps  /  Link Gps 33.9236031  /  Link Gps 33.8911844  /  Link Gps 33.9355088

Gps Coordinates  /  33.9236031,133.818161  /  33.8911844,133.814054  /  33.9355088,133.8167063

Valley mountain monorail


Okuiya Kanko Shuyu Monorail ground base level with spa + traditional hotel Iyashino Onsenkyo around close proximity of Iyas rural traditional vine bridges seen above. Iyas monorail Leaving from the base of the Iyashi no Onsen-kyo Hot Springs area, this monorail weaves a trail over 4.6 km through the forests of the Iya Valley, with various terrain at heights differing up to 590m and steep cliffs nearly 40 degrees! All up, the tour takes approximately 70 minutes.







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 Link Location Gps  /  Link Gps 33.8686561  /  Link Gps 33.8672798  /  Link Gps 33.8687496

 Gps Coordinates  /  33.8686561,133.9792717  /  33.8672798,133.9791725  /  33.8687496,133.9791636

Traditional Japanese hotel complete with iyas traditional scarecrows can be see on our other section of Iyas scarecrow town. Hotel, stay & accommodation can be booked at the address given here at  28 Higashiiyasugeoi, Miyoshi 778-0201 Tokushima Prefecture

Okuiya Niju Kazura Bashi 奥祖谷二重かずら橋 Bridge, translated as “couples bridges.” As the name suggests, there are two bridges, and a people crate pulley system with steel pulleys and rickety wood boards to create a crate big enough to fit two people. I'd dare say the second bridge looks the more rickety out of the three options as the crate has steel cables





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 Link Location Gps  /  Link Gps 33.8537108  /  Link Gps 33.853665  /  Link Gps 33.8536139

 Gps Coordinates  /  33.8537108,134.0461608  /  33.853665,134.0454408  /  33.8536139,134.0463139

 Rickety bridge and rickety pulley crate system for people or goods, primarily used for people than goods over a currently calm river below, i’m sure as storms and heavy rains pass this passing becomes more precarious 




Iya Valley Japan Virtual Gps Tourism Directions tmb16Iya Valley Japan Virtual Gps Tourism Directions tmb17

 Link Location Gps  /  Link Gps 33.8534058  /  Link Gps 33.8537467 

 Gps Coordinates  /  33.8534058,134.0455419  / 33.8537467,134.0466778 

 A much better view of the valleys during the summertime, the reason i chose the winter view as the featured view of the valley is because the lack of spring and summer vegetation shows the true vastness of these valleys where the green vegetation somewhat hinders our view



Iya Valley Japan Virtual Gps Tourism Directions 1

Link Location Gps 33.9233744

Gps Coordinates  /  33.9233744,133.8185948

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