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Hiking Palms valley deep canyon oasis in these tourism Panorama 360s

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 GPS Coordinates  /  28.9977817,33.3258867



Hiking Palms Valley Tourism VR Map Links

Hiking Sinai - wady baa'baa' camp site Egypt



Mount Sinai is the second highest mountain on Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, and is believed to be the site on which Moses received the Ten Commandments.



The treks cover a diverse landscape that includes stunning formations, high peaks and plateaus, deep canyons, palm tree oases, Bedouin settlements, rolling dunes, rare desert blooms in spring and so much more.


Link Location Gps 29.072131


Gps Coordinates  /  29.0721317,33.4886433


And the unexpected bonus of the trekking in Sinai is seeing how your Bedouin guides move through their desert home. Taking people on safari is more than a way to earn a living for the guides – it’s their way of sharing a small piece of the Bedouin life with the world.


behold the Lonely tree

Link Location Gps 29.0899917

Gps coordinates  /  29.0899917,33.4491083
The Desert stretches over the east side of the Sinai and is best known for its twisting canyons, towering outcrops and wide open horizons. Its mountains are mostly sandstone peaks, different in appearance – and in actual climbing – to the high granite districts of St Katherine and Wadi Feiran. As much as the scenery, trekking feels different here because of the camels. The lack of water in this part of the Sinai dictates their necessity and they stay with you from start to finish. Travelling like this over a number of days gives the best feel for the old, wandering ways of the Bedouin.





Aerial view from above

Aerial View of Hiking Palms Valley

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