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A cosmetically glowing cave in China in these Tourism VR Map Links

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 Gps Coordinates  /  29.3648068,110.6091713


Coral glowing cave China Tourism VR Map Links

 Huanglongdong Scenic Area, Zhangjiajie Shi, China



Pillars in caverns within China have become quite prevalent and open access to the community within China so why not make a buck or two from the interest of formations of limestone rock formations, they did a really great job lighting up the pillars, limestone dripping from above over centuries create this unique pattern of strong rock pillars and if that isn’t enough it’s inside an ancient cave for you to explore and everything is lit up and open to the public

It looks really dark and trippy the further you go from the main concentrated area of tourists



Links Location Gps 29.3673878


 Gps Coordinates  /  29.3673878,110.6132736

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