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A Buddhist Temple high up in the mountains in these panorama Vr Tour 360° map view Travel Locations

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 GPS Coordinates / 25.375022, 98.404398



Buddhist Temple Mountain China Tourism VR Map Links

 9CF4+Q5J, Tengchong, Baoshan, Yunnan, China



Overlooking the country Burma far, really far from Tibet which is kinda a big deal, Buddhism is really making grounds in China as this Temple still appears that it’s under construction if the concrete and above power-lines are too judge it by this temple is coming along nicely it’s buzzing with activity and locals that are looking quite productive, pretty soon Buddhism will have a temple on most mountains in China which would come in handy if you ever get lost in the jungle just look for the nearest mountain unless your karma sucks, but if you can’t locate a mountain when lost then your karma must be real bad, that’s gotta be handy, and if Ace ventura has taught us anything always bring a spare slinky.

GPS Coordinates /  25.377095, 98.405776


Link Location Gps 25.379450

View from inside temple

GPS Coordinates / 25.379450, 98.408063


Not all but a majority of buddhists believe the closer they are to the sky the closer they are to their enlightenment of their religious ideology so they're always keen to scale a mountain at moments notice. Tibet this comes in handy as people go on vacation to scale mountains and mix work with play so perhaps mainland China will adopt this same principle, but as mentioned it would be good as watch posts for citizens in trouble


Link Location Gps 25.37944


A very beautiful scene and backdrop but lets giggle at the locals instead

GPS Coordinates / 25.377095, 98.405774

Link Location Gps 25.02644

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