Spiro mound site for 8,000 years, became permanent settlement in AD 800 used until AD 1450
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Gps Coordinates / 35.3117297,-94.5694714
Ancient Indian 9th Century Tomb Spiro Mounds Archaeological Center VR Tourism Locations
Spiro Mounds 18154 N 1st St, Spiro, OK 74959, United States
The mounds site, located seven miles outside of Spiro, Oklahoma, is the only prehistoric, American Indian archaeological site in Oklahoma open to the public. The mounds are one of the most important American Indian sites in the nation.
Gps Coordinates / 35.3124805,-94.5660773
The prehistoric Spiro people created a sophisticated culture which influenced the entire Southeast. Artifacts indicate an extensive trade network, a highly-developed religious center, and a political system which controlled the entire region
Gps Coordinates / 35.3119106,-94.5693726
Spiro Mounds Archaeological Center preserves 150 acres of the site along the Arkansas River. The center offers interpretive exhibits, an introductory slide program and a small gift shop.
Gps Coordinates / 35.3120043,-94.5695484
There are nearly two miles of interpreted trails, including a one-half mile nature trail. An archaeologist is on staff to answer questions and lead tours. Schools and large groups can arrange for guided tours of the site by contacting the staff by phone or email at least a week ahead of time.