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Come with Funnystash to the Oxford Museum in these Panorama 360 VR Locations

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 Gps Coordinates  /  51.7588425,-1.2558211


Oxford Museum of Natural History

 Pitt Rivers Museum, Parks Rd, Oxford England OX1 3PW



Tyrannosaurus Rex in the Oxford Museum of Natural History


Link Location Gps -1.255273

 Gps Coordinates  /  51.758868,-1.255273


A tourism trip is never complete without a trip to the local museum of where you happen to be and which museum is more infamous and known as the Oxford museum of history established in 1850 which is unfortunately the scene of the latest attach fad trend controversies as everyone loves to attach themselves to a cause and bash England so it's regularly under the attack of some hysterical social justice committee who accuse it of illegally obtaining something or other by ill-gains as it's become fashionable to claim persecution and the only cure normally comes as the further repression of Historians

T-Rex from behind giving off a unique view of this dinosaur


Link Location Gps -1.25529

GPS Coordinate Directions / 51.7587727,-1.25529


Fun Fact: They need to paint dinosaur bones in museums with lead paint due to the fact their bones still radiate radiation from the time they were wiped out by the asteroid that struck the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, so for public safety the bones need lead painting as a somewhat safety shield

Upper Skeletons of Dinosaurs
  Gps Coordinates  /  51.7588425,-1.2558211
But with that aside it's a nice little museum full of History and alot to see within the museum considering the modest size of a building that wants to host and exhibit dinosaurs and extinct species it does it rather well with it's two tier gallery. Oxford Museum is no stranger to controversy as with the 1860 evolution debate of controversial work by Charles Darwin, the controversial debate of evolution would be fiercely debated within these chambers with famous members with the likes of Thomas Huxley being the lead protagonists of these debate controversies, with no transcripts written it must have been quite the show with esteemed people as Darwin and Huxley in heated debates within this Museum.
Lower Skeletons of Dinosaurs
 Gps Coordinates  /  51.7590277,-1.2564158
I'm sorry but the Dodo's credibility is shot, this really is Earth’s known dumbest creature, it had millions of years to prepare before it came across danger and it still lost to the point of extinction
  Gps Coordinates  /  51.7587748,-1.2555407
Front view of the T-rex Dinosaur
  Gps Coordinates  /  51.7586474,-1.2555932
Aerial View of The Oxford Museum of History from above in these VR Map Locations

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