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Gps Coordinates / 36.6728834,-111.7400016
Colorado River Tour Travel tour Locations
Colorado River Rapid Tour
M7F5+5X5 Bitter Springs, Arizona, USA
Rafting the Colorado River provides some of the most exhilarating river vacations in the world. Endless in scenic wonder and majesty, any trip along this river would be the adventure of a lifetime.
High in the pristine Rocky Mountain wilderness of Colorado, the mighty Colorado River begins. After winding its way across Colorado, the river enters some of the most spectacular river rafting destinations in the world. These unparalleled include famous Westwater Canyon, Southwest Sampler,Cataract Canyon through Canyonlands National Park, Grand Canyon 6 or 7 Day Vacation, and Grand Canyon 3 Day River Trip or Grand Canyon 4 Day rafting.
Gps Coordinates Links / Link Gps -111.6804315 / Link Gps -111.6854974 / Link Gps -111.6881061
Gps Coordinates / 36.7494301,-111.6804315 / 36.746096,-111.6854974 / 36.7443258,-111.6881061
The Colorado River is world-renowned for its legendary whitewater rapids, some of the largest whitewater in North America froths deep within the canyons of Utah and Arizona. These gargantuan and spectacularly clad canyons and landscapes through which the Colorado River plunges are no less famous. Imagine this, rafting the Colorado River all the way through (if that were possible) would take you past 5 National Parks, and a combination of 6 National Monuments, Conservation & Recreation Areas and State Parks. Can you think of any other river that can do all that?
Gps Coordinates Links / Link Gps -111.656216 / Link Gps -111.6942409 / Link Gps -111.6936475
Gps Coordinates / 36.771499,-111.656216 / 36.7404354,-111.6942409 / 36.7392281,-111.6936475
The Colorado River is a major river of the western United States and northwest Mexico in North America. Its headwaters are in the Rocky Mountains where La Poudre Pass Lake is its source. Located in north central Colorado it flows southwest through the Colorado Plateau country of western Colorado, southeastern Utah and northwestern Arizona where it flows through the Grand Canyon.
Gps Coordinates Links / Link Gps -111.7083408 / Link Gps -111.6906472 / Link Gps -111.7401669
Gps Coordinates / 36.7194358,-111.7083408 / 36.74255,-111.6906472 / 36.6743085,-111.7401669
It turns south near Las Vegas, Nevada, forming the Arizona–Nevada border in Lake Mead and the Arizona–California border a few miles below Davis Dam between Laughlin, Nevada and Needles, California before entering Mexico in the Colorado Desert. Most of its waters are diverted into the Imperial Valley of Southern California. In Mexico its course forms the boundary between Sonora and Baja California before entering the Gulf of California.
Gps Coordinates Links / Link Gps -111.7399234 / Link Gps -111.7400882 / Link Gps -111.76382
Gps Coordinates / 36.6729864,-111.7399234 / 36.672788,-111.7400882 / 36.6304801,-111.76382
About a mile (1.5 km) downstream from its source, the Colorado River has carved its first canyon, the narrow, deep Little Yellowstone Canyon. It then flows through the broad Kawuneeche Valley, where it is joined by U.S. Highway 34, which will roughly parallel it to the town of Granby. It finally exits Rocky Mountain National Park, flowing into Shadow Mountain Lake and then into Lake Granby, which are portions of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project, a large trans-basin water storage and delivery project that diverts water from the Colorado River under the Front Range mountains to provide an agricultural and municipal water supply for the northern Front Range and plains of Colorado.
Gps Coordinates Links / Link Gps -111.7640924 /
Gps Coordinates / 36.6302269,-111.7640924
The Colorado then enters the Grand Valley, where its waters are used to irrigate over 40,000 acres (16,000 ha) of agricultural land. Here it passes Grand Junction, the largest town on the upper Colorado, where it is joined by the Gunnison River, its largest tributary within Colorado and second largest overall. The Gunnison drains from the northern San Juan Mountains, Elk Mountains and Sawatch Range – which includes Colorado's highest peak, 14,440-foot Mount Elbert – and carves the Black Canyon of the Gunnison before joining the Colorado. In the Grand Valley the Colorado becomes a meandering river in contrast to the steep mountain canyons above Grand Junction. It ranges from 200 to 1,200 ft wide and from 6 to 30 ft in depth with occasional deeper areas.
Link Location Gps -111.7675698
Gps Coordinates / 36.6305073,-111.7675698
From there the Colorado turns northwest, past Fruita and entering Ruby Canyon as it approaches the Colorado Plateau. It turns southwest once again just before entering Utah.