Come with Funnystash in this truly unique experience of Corn shovelling so come with funnystash
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Gps Coordinates / 37.8519759,115.6072023
Corn shovelling Virtual Experience
Shenzhou City, Hengshui, Hebei, China
Get your Corn freak on with Funnystash, view the corn from different angles let’s go Corn Holling y’all in the depths of China, Virtual corn shoveling only at funnystash
Take the tour around and indulge in your corn shovelling fantasies you can even go next door to check out their cabbage patch, there’s so much to see around here, sorry if i came across a little corny
GPS Coordinates / 37.851978, 115.607203 / 37.852085, 115.607216
Gps Coordinates / 37.8520778,115.6072199
There's such a shortage of food in China due to over population they resort to many measures of creating food it's a huge industry in China, they're even making artificial robotically made Chicken eggs as there's no way to keep up with demand, China is a wonderfully chaotic place that can make you smile and face palm in the same sentence
A map view to this amazing location Corn Holling deep in the depths of China always check back with funnystash for all you corn holling needs, always check back for updates
Aerial View Of Corn shovelling Virtual Experience
Recommended music for your VR Corn Shovelling Experience below get off the leash and get your Corn freak on