Come with Funnystash to the Milky Way Sky Colombia Desert in these Panorama 360s
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GPS / 3.229295, -75.181501
Come with Funnystash to the nightlight skies of the Milky way space skyline, no matter how many ways you see the Milky way at night it can be repeated thousands of different ways thousands of different times and still look unique so your never complete at gazing at the night sky of our Milkyway Galaxy, with this Milkyway skyline it's at Tatacoa Colombia with a family of travellers decided to stop and gaze at the stars they decided to create a series of Panoramas of the night sky with the the travellers in the 3rd shot but none of that matters it's the night sky everyone’s interested in and the country of Colombia is always (mostly) a clear place to get Panoramas of the night sky
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