Curiosity Rover vr space selfies on Mars within these Panorama 360s
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Curiosity Rover Mars sol 1463
This image was taken by Mast Camera (Mastcam) onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 1463 (2016-09-17 03:30:02 UTC).
Curiosity Mars Exploration Space VR Panoramas
1463 Ombomboli Mars
The curiosity Mars Rover is made perfectly for Panorama360s with it's rotating head camera, it even fires frickin lazer beams from it, i aint kidding either it really does have a frickin lazer beam head that can burn from upto 32 feet away, it's head is actually called a mastcam, it has dual cameras in stereo actually making able to make pictures and video in 3d not only capable of making Panorama360s with an UHF antenna coming out of it's butt but also powered with a Plutonium power source close to it's arse. The neck of the head of the Curiosity robot is actually a miniature weather station, like the sails of any mast will let you know the condition of the weather, it'll even detect UV radiation and other unknown threats.
Curiosity sol 1065 MAHLI self portrait
Curiosity's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) on Aug. 5, 2015, during the 1,065th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars
Curiosity Rover Report (August 5, 2015): Three Years on Mars
Link Location Gps / Gps Link landers / Gps Link eclipse / Gps Link barren land
Coordinates land map / Rover Bloodmoon eclipse / Rover barren land
Features 81 exposures
Approaching ten-year anniversary of Curiosity's launch coming (November 26), the rover's team decided to capture the image as the robotic explorer ventured around the planet's Mount Sharp.
This panorama features 81 exposures taken by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) rover during Sol 3303 from Curiosity on Mars (November 20, 2021)
Curiosity Mars Mastcam Space VR Panoramas
Combines 83 exposures taken by the rover's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) during the Sol 2082 of Curiosity's work on Mars (June 15, 2018)
A Martian dust storm has reduced sunlight and visibility at the rover's location in Gale Crater. A storm of tiny dust particles has engulfed much of Mars over the last two weeks and prompted NASA's Opportunity rover to suspend science operations.
Curiosity Rover Mars Panorama Curiosity sol 2082 15
In front of 'Mont Mercou,' a rock outcrop that stands 20' (6m) tall, 11 shots were captured on March 16, the 3,060th sol of the mission. The 3,070th Martian day, or sol, of the mission.
Mars Panorama - SOL 3070 Curiosity Rover Mars, Full Resolution
Composed of 123 images on December 19, 2018
Mars Panorama, Curiosity Rover SOL 2264 Images taken on Sol
Curiosity Mastcam self-portrait, sol 2291
Sol 2291 (15 January 2019) at the "Rock Hall" drill site, located on Vera Rubin Ridge. The selfie is composed of 57 individual images.
This drill hole was strongly depleted in carbon 13, the surprising carbon isotopic signature reported by the team.
Curiosity Rover Mars Selfie Panorama Curiosity sol 2291
Perseverance Rover
Curiosity joined by a new friend the Perseverance Rover, this is not the same rover this is a new rover that landed on February 18, 2021, you can see it came with an advanced drone you can see on the image.
Mars Panorama - Perseverance rover Martian solar day Sol 004