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View Original Apollo11 Moon Landings of the 60s in these VR Pictures


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Apollo 11 1969 Moon Landing Space VR

 Tranquility Base, Mare Tranquillitatis


 This panorama was collected by Neil Armstrong from a spot east of the landing module while Buzz Aldrin was unloading the science packages. The panorama is made up of frames AS11-40-5930 to 5941. In frame 5931 Buzz has removed the passive seismometer experiment package. The object with the handle between Neil and the lander is the Gold Camera, one of several cameras used during the mission. The Gold Camera was designed to take close-up photos of the very top layer of the lunar soil.


View original Moon landing in VR July 20th 1969

Apollo 11 1960s Moon Landing Space VR 0

Link Location Gps 23.47314

Gps Coordinates  /  0.67416°, 23.47314°


 Apollo 11 1960's recreation of the same image above but cgi closeup instead


Love the hi-resoloution panoramas of recreations gives a new life perspective into under-rated Panorama360s

Apollo 11 Cgi recreation Panorama360s


Panorama 360 VR pictures of the original moon landings in high quality imagery gives you a really good perspective of what Buzz Aldrin would have seen and experienced on his moon landings, rotating the picture around 360 lets you see the lander and tracks on the moon and the shadows there's one Panorama 360 picture of the sun glare so you can test out the shadows of the Moon Landing conspiracy theories, yeah i get it there's lots of people who believe the Moon is Hollow and the world is controlled by Lizard people on a flat earth and our world celebrities originate from the hollow moon.

Sun glare on the camera beside the lander and satellite


Apollo14, Fra Highlands. EVA 1, 5 February 1971, frames A14-66-9254 to A14-66-9257 and A14-66-9236 to A14-66-9240. Ed Mitchell is doing a TV pan and has the TV pointed towards the southwest

Apollo14 Southwest


From inside a nearby crater with the lander superimposed above


With their Lunar Module, the Eagle, in the background at the far left. East Crater, about 30 meters wide and 4 meters deep, is on the right (scroll right), and was so named because it is about 60 meters east of the Lunar Module.


This panorama of their landing site sweeps across the magnificent desolation of the Moon's Sea of Tranquility.

Link Location Gps Sea of Tranquility


Armstrong had piloted the Eagle safely over the crater. Near the end of his stay on the lunar surface Armstrong strayed far enough from the Lunar Module to take the pictures used to construct this wide-angle view, his shadow appearing at the panorama's left edge. The object near the middle foreground is a stereo close-up camera. Mosaic Assembly: Mike Constantine


Aerial View Locations of the Apollo 11 original Moon Landings


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