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Fertility worship Hindu Temple to an Indian Sun Temple in these Tourism VR Map Links

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 Gps Coordinates  /  19.8875972,86.095636


Indian Konark Sun Temple Tourism VR Map Links

 Sun Temple, Konark, Odisha 752111, India


 Other large sculptures were a part of the gateways of the temple complex. These include life-size lions subduing elephants, elephants subduing demons, and horses. A major pillar dedicated to Aruna, called the Aruna Stambha, used to stand in front of the eastern stairs of the porch. This, too, was intricately carved with horizontal friezes and motifs. It now stands in front of the Jagannatha temple at Puri.


These images may be the same kama and mithuna scenes found integrated into the art of many Hindu temples.

Indian Konark Sun Temple Tourism VR Map Links tmb1Indian Konark Sun Temple Tourism VR Map Links tmb2Indian Konark Sun Temple Tourism VR Map Links tmb3Indian Konark Sun Temple Tourism VR Map Links tmb4

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link 19.887608  /  Gps Link 19.8876063  /  Gps Link 19.8876624  /  Gps Link 19.8873331

Gps Coordinates  /  19.887608,86.0955342  /  19.8876063,86.0954929  /  19.8876624,86.0955221  /  19.8873331,86.0943471



The Konrak Sun temple is on the list of one of the seven wonders of India, the temple is about 20 miles from the city of Puri, the temple itself is the replica of a giant Chariot but in temple form, with horses at the front and large wheels at the sides of the temple, the large carved wheels at the side are 3 meters which is pulled by a total of seven horses (4 on the right and 3 on the left). The temple is carefully placed so the sunrise hits the main entrance of the temple creating an illusion of godliness and holiness. Two smaller temples have been discovered closeby

 Sexual Ambivalence in Western Scholarship on Hindu India. A History of the Idea of Shakto-Tantrism, Comparative Civilizations

Link Location Gps 19.8877281


GPS Coordinates / 19.8877281,86.0942678

 The Konark temple is also known for its erotic sculptures of maithunas. These show couples in various stages of courtship and intimacy, and in some cases coital themes. Notorious in the colonial era for their uninhibited celebration of sexuality, these images are included with other aspects of human life as well as deities that are typically associated with tantra. This led some to propose that the erotic sculptures are linked to the vama marga (left hand tantra) tradition.

 The erotic sculptures are found on the temple's Shikhara, and these illustrate all the bandhas (mudra forms) described in the Kamasutra.

Indian Konark Sun Temple Tourism VR Map Links tmb5Indian Konark Sun Temple Tourism VR Map Links tmb6Indian Konark Sun Temple Tourism VR Map Links tmb7Indian Konark Sun Temple Tourism VR Map Links tmb8

 Link Location Gps  /  Gps Link 19.8873331  /  Gps Link 19.887751  /  Gps Link 19.8877131  /  Gps Link 19.8875553

Gps Coordinates  /  19.8873331,86.0943233  /  19.887751,86.0948417  /  19.8877131,86.0948826  /  19.8875553,86.0948225

 The Victorian mindset saw pornography in the artwork of Konark and wondered why there was no "shame and guilt in this pleasure in filth", while Alan Watts stated that there was no comprehensible reason to separate spirituality from love, sex, and religious arts. According to Ernest Binfield Havell, the Konark temple is "one of the grandest examples of Indian sculpture extant", adding that they express "as much fire and passion as the greatest European art" such as that found in Venice.


Some of the better-preserved friezes and sculptures were removed and relocated to museums in Europe and major cities of India before 1940.

Link Location Gps 19.8875972


 Gps Coordinates  /  19.8875972,86.095636


 The upper levels and terrace of the Konark Sun temple contain larger and more significant works of art than the lower level. These include images of musicians and mythological narratives as well as sculptures of Hindu deities, including Durga in her Mahishasuramardini aspect killing the shape-shifting buffalo demon (Shaktism), Vishnu in his Jagannatha form (Vaishnavism), and Shiva as a (largely damaged) linga (Shaivism).


I know this is all meant to be Peacefulness, karma and harmony but looking at this image just reminds me of Resident Evil

Link Location Gps 19.8872754


 Gps Coordinates  /  19.8872754,86.0939547


The temple follows the traditional style of Kalinga architecture. It is oriented towards the east so that the first rays of the sunrise strike the main entrance. The temple, built from Khondalite rocks, was originally constructed at the mouth of the river Chandrabhaga, but the waterline has receded since then. The wheels of the temple are sundials, which can be used to calculate time accurately to a minute.


And there was me thinking it was just westerners that bought useless shiat

Link Location Gps 19.8875985


Gps Coordinates  /  19.8875985,86.0960819




Once frequented by Europeans, The European travelers would use this temple as a landmark to make port as it was visible from the Ocean

The entrance of the temple is older than the temple chariot itself by roughly over 100 years the entrance of the main temple was built in the 11th Century

Aerial View of The Indian Sun Temple


Aerial View Of Indian Konark Sun Temple

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