Inside the belly of a whale within it's skeleton form in Panorama Photosphere 360 Locations
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Gps Coordinates / -23.9901748,-46.3064567
Inside Belly of a Whale - Museum of Pesca PhotoSphere VR
Av. Bartolomeu de Gusmão, 192 - Ponta da Praia, Santos - SP, 11045-401, Brazil
An entire skeleton of a whale inside a fairly small museum considering the height of this museum it must have seem daunting to piece together an entire whale inside a height restricted museum, we recommend checking out the rest of the museum but the whale is the real attraction within this museum. This is a museum within Brazil known as the Fishing Institute Museum to develop scientific and cultural activities, leading the community to raise awareness of the importance of preservation and rational use of the aquatic environment.
GPS Coordinate Directions / -23.9901565,-46.3062034
The Fisheries Institute Museum has scientific and cultural purposes and objective dissemination of knowledge derived from the study of the aquatic environment and technology applied to the rational exploitation of marine resources and inland waters. Its function is also to develop non-formal educational activities with the aim of creating or discovering and stimulating mentalities aimed at the correct use of natural resources, including fishery resources.
Gps Coordinates / -23.9901491,-46.3062147
Beautiful wooden interior can create vibrant colour schemes with white ivory bone hues with the wooden oak cladding of the floor and roof giving a more basic natural set of colour photography.
Link Location Gps / Gps Link -23.990225 / Gps Link -23.990189 / Gps Link -23.990226
Gps Coordinates / -23.990225,-46.306242 / -23.990189,-46.306236 / -23.990226,-46.306242
Museu de Pesca was where the exhibit was situated by due to the sheer size of the exhibit is for a limited time only as full whale skeletons can take up alot of space in a museum hung high usually situated best for museums that have high ceilings but then you cannot get an up and close feel as you can here.
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